Crystal x Gold

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Crystal drummed her fingers on the table impatiently. "Still not here, eh?" Silver took a sip of coke. "I swear you've been staring at that fricken door for an hour." He murmured as he went over to see Kotone (idk her other name..). Crystal sighed, laying her head on the table. Why did he always have to be late?...

"I think I need some fresh air.." She sighed and stretched, opening the door, only to have Gold collapse on the floor in front of her. "Gyah! Gold!" Crystal hissed as the boy chuckled. "Hey doofus, there's a Pidgy family trying to take a crap on your new motorcycle!" He yelled to Silver. "What?!" Silver growled and bolted outside, shooing the bird pokemon off. Gold pulled out a bird whistle, blowing it and locking the door on Silver. "Wait for it..." Gold smirked, counting on his fingers... "GOOOOOLLDDD!!"

Crystal giggled as Gold opened the door, revealing Silver covered in bird poop. Kotone tried her hardest not to laugh, while Gold and Crystal were close to tears from laughing. "Yeah yeah, keep laughing you two... But I'm using your towel, Crystal." Silver hissed and stormed upstairs. She smiled and hugged Gold. "Glad you made it. C'mon Dorkly, Kotone made your favourite." She shoved her friend away to the table, going to the fridge to grab the drinks.

Everyone was sitting around the table, placing their servings of food on their plates. "Mm, this is great, Kotone!" Gold grinned. "... It's okay." Silver responded in his usual tone. "Thanks guys! And guess what? Crystal brought her famous cherry upside down cake!" Crystal squealed as the two boys blink. "Awesome!" Gold grinned wide. Silver pushed his empty plate away. ".. Meh.."

"Does Silver not want his serving?" Crystal smirked. Silver grunted. "I'll have his slice then!" Gold announced, causing Silver to cringe. He shoved Gold off his seat and growled. "Of course I'm eating the cake!" He hissed at Gold, blushing after noticing he'd said that louder than he'd hoped. The two girls giggled and went to get the cake.

After dessert, Kotone and Silver fell asleep on the couch next to each other, so Crystal and Gold decided to let them cuddle in peace.

"Night already?" Crystal stared at the cloudy sky. "Yeah.. No moon or stars.. Just how Silver would like it." Gold responded tiredly. "So.. Your heading out into the world again tomorrow, huh?.." Crystal looked up at him. He nodded. "Yeah.. But I swore to you I wouldn't take too long.. I'll visit every month..." He held her hands and smiled, not his cocky, arrogant smile.. His sincere smile that only Crystal ever saw.

"I'll miss you." Crystal whispered as she laid her head on his chest. "Well.. You'll have the other dorks to keep you company.. But I'll miss you too.." He smiled and went to kiss her.

And at that moment... everything was perfect...

Then it ended.

Suddenly, Silver and Kotone dashed from the bushes, tossing a bucket of paint on the two, Gold being blue, and Crystal being yellow. And they started running for the hills/Crystal's house. "Grr..! KOTONE!!" Crystal howled. "SILVER! You son of a Growlithe!!" Gold hissed as the couple ran inside, dripping with paint.

But on the cement, a special spot of paint laid. A combination of both blue and yellow, forming a heart. Therefore, promising Gold's return.

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