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I have an idea.. And you may like it, or find it the dumbest thing since school.. But!

I'm wondering how many people would be interested if I started posing personal ships on here?

Such as..

• Reader x Character


• Specific user x character of choice

Reader x character is simple. Instead of having a female character inserted in the story, I'll change it all to being as if the reader is the female! Fun? 😱 I enjoy.

Specific user x character of choice is a bit more difficult for me to explain. 😅

It basically goes like this: you request that YOU or your character, be shipped or partnered with someone in the poké universe.

It's kinda like reader x character, but you can ask me to use your own personal character in such stories. 😊

For option 1, just give me a male character to partner up the readers with.

For option 2, give me your preferred name (or name of your character) and maybe some characteristics.

Why am I doing this?


😎 Deal with it.

Love you all! 💕

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