Chapter 2-Enough is enough

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"Do you have everything you need Clementine?", I ask as I get into the car with her. She nods yes and then we drive off to her school.

"Dad,why is daddy not in the car this morning?"

"He's not feeling well sweety",I reply trying to rest her thoughts. Even she can detect that something's up with Andy.

"Good bye dad!" She says and I kiss her as she exits the car. I drive away once I see that she has gotten safely into the schoolyard.

I don't know what's gotten into Andy but,I can actually feel his love for me growing cold. And it's making me feel sick to my stomach. The uncertainty is driving me insane. And I don't know if I am wasting my time with him. He doesn't seem to care for me at all.

Once I arrive home I go to the couch where he said he would sleep last night. He needs to wake up for breakfast. Upon entering the lounge I find that Andy is not here.

"Andy?" I call out.

No answer. He's probably showering upstairs. I go upstairs and call out his name and still receive no answer. Finally,I enter the bathroom to find that he is not showering as I thought. No ways. There is no way he left without telling me. I decide to give him a call. He answers after the fifth call.

"Andy,where are you?"

"I'm just running a few errands okay babe," he replies.

I turn the phone off in anger. Babe. Babe. He has the audacity to call me babe. Does he expect me to believe that he's running errands? He certainly isn't. Jesus Andy. Just speak to me. Okay so since Andy will not be home for god knows how long and Clementine has hockey practice after school , I am going to be alone until late afternoon. But,it doesn't have to be that way. I need to find something to do. But,what? As if on cue I receive a phone call from CC.

"Hey CC",I answer trying to put excitement into my voice.

"Hey. You and Andy wanna hang out today?"

"Me. I don't know where Andy is," I reply angrily.

There is a moment of silence. " Sure,we can hang out," I reply to break the silence.

"Cool. I'll text you the details."

Great. CC knows we have problems now. I don't want anyone else involved in our problems. That usually leads to disaster. And CC is not going to leave this alone. I know he is going to ask about it.

As I sit down to eat my breakfast I receive a text from CC.

-Usual bar at 12 pm?

-Sure,I'll be there.

So I'll be spending more time with CC these days than I do with my own husband. This is absolute shit!

***12pm at the bar

"Why hasn't Andy hasn't joined us?" Jinxx asks .

"He's busy",I reply.

"Are you guys having problems?" CC asks.

"No why would you ask that?"


"Can we not speak about Andy?"

The guys sigh and order their drinks. I guess they get the picture to not involve themselves in our relationship. Once I have finished ordering I decide to text Andy asking him what time he would be home. He replies saying he'd be very late as he has "very important" stuff to take care of. Right. Just as I send the message I turn around and my stomach turns upside down as I meet eyes with Andy as he enters the bar.

"Shit," he mumbles.

"Andy?" Jake says excitedly. "Join us."

Andy sits down awkwardly and avoids all eye contact with me. Wow,he actually lied to me. I look at him in disgust as he orders his drinks.

"Where were you dude?" Jinxx asks.

"I-I was at at the uhm"

"With his hoe!" I shout in rage.

I see Andy look down in disappointment. "Ash,I am not cheating on you for the millionth time," he says softly.

"We're leaving!" I say in frustration.



Andy sighs and gets up from his chair. We greet the guys and make our way to the car.

"How did you even get here?"

"Taxi", Andy replies.

The rest of the drive is as silent as can be. Andy won't make eye contact with me. And he still hasn't said anything about the questions I asked him last night so it hurts. Wondering if he still loves me. Seems he doesn't.

"Andy,why did you lie to me?", I ask I slam the front door .

Andy sighs, and walks to the kitchen. Is he really ignoring me? I wonder how long he will continue this.

"Andy, how long are you going to continue with your shit?"

"Ashley, please. I don't want to speak about it. Come here."

I hesitantly walk towards to Andy.

"I love you okay", he says kissing my lips.

"I love you too."

I wonder if he really means it. And why won't he tell me what's wrong. It can't be that bad, right?

After Andy and I have spent the afternoon watching movies ,he decided to go and get Clementine from her hockey practice.  Right now I am fixing Andy's favourite dinner. I just like to see my man happy. Hopefully this lightens his mood. He does seem kind of depressed and I shouldn't have been so hard on him. Maybe I should be more understanding. I mean he rocked up at the bar all by himself. Clearly, he needed a drink. I just wonder what's up. I wish he'd tell me. We're married for crying out loud.  He's supposed to communicate with me. Does he not know he can trust me?

"Dad!" Clementine screams as she hugs my legs.

"Hey sweety" , I say as I bend down to kiss her. "Go and sit at the table. Dinner's almost ready."

Clementine goes to sit down as I dish up the food. Andy is going to love this. I pick up her and Andy's plates and carry it inside. My heart drops as I make my way to the table.

"Where's Andy?"

"Daddy said that he had things to sort out dad."

Geez. Can Andy just tell me what's up. I am worried sick about him.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Nothing sweety",I smile. "Finish your food."

I have put Clementine to bed already and it's already midnight. Andy is still not home and I cannot wait for him the entire time. His dinner was put in the microwave. He'll probably figure it out when he arrives. He always eats when he gets home. But,I am getting into bed now worried sick about him.

As soon as I get into bed I hear the front door open. He's here. I hear him heat his food up and smile at the thought of him eating. Once he has finished he makes his way upstairs.

"Hi babe", I say expecting him to give me a kiss or hug or at least something.

"Hey", is  all he says.

Then he gets into bed and lays on the other side. Not even bothering to hold me. I mean has he not missed me? I have missed him the entire day. This hurts .

Song-Enough is enough by Get Scared

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