Chapter 6- He's back

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As I looked at Andy, I saw his soul leave him. He looked empty, dead and done causing fear to grow within me.


"Don't Ashley! Go make out with CC!" He snapped coldly.


"Shut the fuck up!"

I saw tears forming in his eyes as he ran out of the house and that's when I gave up. He won't listen. God,why did I have to mess everything up? I thought CC was Andy. What the fuck is up with me?  I hope I am not going insane. I can't. Especially now. I have a daughter to take care of.

"Ash?" I hear CC's voice.

I nod not having the energy to open my mouth and glance over at CC.

"Maybe it's a good thing that Andy was here," he says.

What the fuck does he mean? I lost Andy for good now. CC sighs as I shoot him a confused look.

"The fact that Andy freaked out like that must mean something. It shows that he still cares,right?"

I think about CC's  question. He's right. If Andy didn't care like he said he wouldn't have freaked out on me kissing CC. This must mean something. I hope it means that there is still hope for us. I really do. Hope is all I have to hold onto.

"I think you're right CC."

I give CC a hopeful smile and he nods back. My Andy will be back. I know it.  Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take it out to check the caller ID. Jinxx. I hope everything is okay.

"Hey Jinxx. Everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah. I just called to let you know the party is over. Clementine is back with us and sound asleep."

I sigh in relief. "Thank you Jinxx."

CC and I make our way back inside the house . I will continue to wait to hear anything from Andy. Anything.I wonder why he was here though. Probably to check up on me because I did get pretty wasted at the party and there's nothing here that he came to fetch, so he must have come to see me. Right?

"Urhm Ash are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah,why?" I ask as I feel my hands shaking. I have no idea what's happening to me. "If you mean my hands, this has never happened before," I say panicking.

CC quickly runs over to me and holds both of my hands. "Ash, breathe." I try to obey CC's command, but his efforts prove futile. For some reason I just cannot be calmed down. Andy will come back right? I just have to wait.  Keeping that thought I feel my eyes close and CC's arms capturing my weak body.

When I wake up I am surrounded by  Jinxx and CC in my bedroom. I wonder where Jake is.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask worried. I hope Andy and Clementine are okay.

"We need to talk about your health Ash," Jinxx sighs.

"Both physical and mental."

I roll over to my stomach, groaning, hoping to avoid this conversation.

"Ashley," they continue. "Ever since this incident with Andy, you've been deteriorating and you know it. You're constantly drunk, you won't eat , and now you're hallucinating."

"I'm not hallucinating!" I shoot back in defense, confused.

"CC told me what happened. You thought he was Andy."

I shrug it off. There's no point in arguing with them because anything I say will just be twisted to fit their ideas that I'm not healthy. Andy will be back. "Andy will be back."

"See that's another thing-" Jinxx is cut off by CC. "Actually Jake,that's another conversation we need to have." CC nods at Jinxx and he nods back.

"Please don't do anything stupid. We'll just be in the kitchen," CC says as he and Jinxx leaves my room.

After they leave the room, I find the strength to punch a hole in the goddamn wall . The pain numbs the hurt  I feel. I hate that I am being treated like a child in my own home! Jinxx and CC has conversations without me when it concerns me. They stick their noses in my business where it doesn't belong. They decide that I'm not healthy. They come here and do everything for me as if I'm a helpless child. Have they forgotten I have a child too, who I dearly miss.

I am interrupted by my thoughts when I hear Andy's voice and CC and Jinxx's  voices screaming behind him, pleading him to stop. He's making his way to our room. Quickly getting out of bed,I try to regain my composure and when Andy enters the room I run towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"I knew you'd come back!"

"Ashley," he tries to interrupt. But,I will not allow him to talk until I have said what I wanted to say.

"I'm so sorry-"


"I can explain!" I say with tears running down my face.

Andy holds me tightly and allows me to hold onto him. I desperately cling to what's mine. I will not lose him again. He's finally back.

"You don't have to explain," he whispers. I look up to him and give a faint smile ,pulling him in for a kiss. He hesitates a moment before kissing back. I've waited so long to feel my baby's lips.

"I've missed you," I whisper.

"I've missed you too," he replies crying.

I pull him onto the bed with me and we make out for a while until I tell him to get under the covers with me. We get into bed and I lay my head in his chest ,feeling his tears hit my cheeks and stroking my hair gently. It seems like forever since I've experienced this. My Andy is back and I'm not doing anything to make him leave me this time.


"Yes Ash?"

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too baby," he replies wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to his body. After listening to his heartbeat and admiring his beautiful face,I finally fall asleep peacefully.

Sorry for the short,shitty chapter. So many things to juggle ,but I needed to update so I hope it's okay at least.

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