Chapter 4 -Mess

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"Ashley,buddy. Come on we've got to get you home," I hear a familiar voice say, but I can't exactly figure out whose it is.

"If home is where A-Andy is, I'll I'll g-gooooo", I reply falling over a chair at the bar.

I know I am drunk as fuck right now,but do I have any other way? I have no other coping mechanism.

"Ashley,you have a daughter. Come on stay sober for her!" Jinxx says dragging me out of the bar.

CC and Jake look at me with concern.I swear their eyes full of pity will cause me to strangle them. " Stop looking at me! Fucking mind someone else's business!"

CC and Jake turn around and ignore me while Jinxx continues dragging me out of the bar.

"Ashley. Where's Clementine?"

"At home with t-the baaaabbb-baby sit-sitter. Why?"

Jinxx sighs. "Alice and I will take care of her for a while until you sort out your life!"

Jinxx's words causes panic to grow within me . I've already lost Andy. They can't take Clementine away from me too.

"No,you're not not t-taking her too.She's all I have left Jinxx!"

Jinxx gives me a sympathetic look."Yeah,but you can't have her in this state. Just give it a week or so. However long it may take. Until you're doing better. We want to help you Ashley."

I guess he has a point. It's for the best. I don't want Clementine to see me like this. And I'm trying . I really am. But it's hard because Andy was what held me together. And how he's gone. He kept me sane. He made me happy. I loved him for years . And I still do. I don't know what has changed. But it hurts to know that he doesn't love me anymore. It's all I ever wanted in my life since I met him. To be loved by him and to give him my love and everything in return. But,no. That's all changed now. For some reason he decided to throw it all away and I can't understand why.

"Ashley, snap out of it!" Jinxx screams causing me to listen to him.

"What happened between you and Andy anyway?", he asks concerned.

"Oh And-Andy just de-decided that he doesn't loooove me anymore. "

Jinxx gasps in shock and then frowns. "Something is not right. That can't be possible. Andy has always loved you. You're all he ever wanted. Are you sure you didn't misunderstand him?"

"No Jinxx!" I shout in anger. "He told me straight to my face that he doesn't love me anymore. That he's lost feelings for me. And he left like that. He didn't even tell me why. We had a good marriage for six years Jinxx! Six years! Not once in those six years did we have any major problems or arguments. Everything was perfect until now. So I can't understand it. Do you understand it?", I shout at Jinxx as we stop before my house. Jinxx remains silent as he gets out of the car. He walks over to my side to carry me into my house as I am too drunk to walk by myself. "Ashley,we'll help you solve this," he says as I hand him the keys to my house. Once he opens the door he drops me as Clementine comes running out. "Uncle Jinxx!" ,she screams as she jumps onto him. He laughs as he picks her up and spins her around. The babysitter appears with an irritated face. "Can I have my money please?", she asks. Shit. Where did I put it? I am too drunk to think straight. Jinxx takes out his wallet . "How much do you need?" She tells him what she needs and he hands her the money before she leaves.

"Clementine. Why don't you go and get your dolls,blankets and favourite movies. You're coming to sleep at our house for a while," he says as he puts her on the floor. She screams excitedly and runs to her room to get her things. Jinxx carries me up the stairs ,takes out my shoes and puts me to bed. "Rest Ash. You need it. And please stop drinking. Do it for Clementine." He wraps me up in two blankets since it is extremely cold and leaves the tv remote next to me for when I wake up. Once I hear Jinxx and Clementine leave I try to go to sleep. It's the only other thing other than drinking and Clementine that helps. At least when I'm sleeping I don't have to feel the pain. The heartache and dreadful reality of the one I love hating me doesn't hurt me when I'm asleep. I fucking hate him for leaving me like this.

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