Not a Chapter / Readers Note

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I just checked how many views this story has and I just went speechless.


I can't thank you guys enough! This means so much to me! I didn't think this story would go anywhere since I just stopped uploading chapters but I guess I was wrong.

You guys are just AMAZING. Thank you for all the views and comments and support. All of this is just making me want to write more chapters again for you guys. It's making me want to continue writing and push the story on.

Without you guys I wouldn't have come back this very day and started writing chapters again. Thank you so much everyone. This means so much!

I can't thank you guys enough!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I appreciate every comment, every view and every vote. Thank you so much guys!

Thank you!

If only I got the same support on my YouTube channel. Oh well.

Thank you again guys. This means alot!

See ya in the next chapter!

Shadow xx

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