Chapter 10

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Perth's POV

My mom met me at the door when I got home.

"You look tired, son," she said when I kissed her on her cheek. "I understand. It was an emotionally tiring day for you. Have you had anything to eat?"

"I had a burger for lunch, mom," I replied.

"That's not a very nutritional lunch. Would you like something else to eat?" she asked.

"I'm not too hungry right now, mom, but thanks for asking," I told her.

"Very well, then, go and take some rest," my mom now sounded a little concerned.

I went up to my room and removed my outer clothes leaving only my undershirt and boxer shorts on and plopped on my bed.

I really must have been both physically and emotionally exhausted because soon I had fallen asleep.

When I woke up it was dark, or almost dark.

There was a soft knock on my door. I went to open it. it was our live-in helper.

"Young master, your parents are waiting for you to join them for dinner downstairs," she announced.

"Please tell them I will be joining them in a few minutes," I said.

Actually I was dreading to join my parents for dinner. I could foresee that it would be an awkward occasion because of the wedding disaster followed by Saint's hospital confinement because of his accident. I hoped that they would not be asking too many questions of me.

I put on some decent clothes and went downstairs to join my parents.

"Come sit with us, son," said my dad as I walked into the dining room, "I'm glad you were able to get a good rest after all the emotional incidents today."

I was grateful that my dad was not too specific with his statement.

I sat down and tried to put some food on my plate. I really still wasn't feeling hungry.

"So how was Saint before you left him at the hospital?" my mom asked.

Oh shoot, I wasn't expecting my mom to be more direct than my dad.

I grabbed the tall glass of iced water and coughed a little bit because I almost choked when I tried to swallow.

"His condition is improving," I replied, careful not to mention about Saint's unexpected visitor who had caused me a lot of heartache.

"I'm glad to hear that," my dad spoke up.

I was relieved that my father did not seem too antagonistic towards Saint now.

I scooped some of the vegetable soup and tasted it. It was good and hearty. Now I started to feel hungry.

I was starting to enjoy the grilled fish on which I had squeezed a lot of lemon juice when my phone started to ring. I could tell from the ringtone that P'Saint was calling me. I silenced my phone because my father found it rude to take a phone call during dinner. Besides, I was not inclined to talk to P'Saint yet. My heart was still hurting.

After dinner, I thanked my parents and excused myself.

My phone had sounded a text notification.

I read it as I was heading upstairs to my room, almost missing a step on the stairs because I was looking at my phone screen instead of where I was going.

"Perth, I felt so sad that you left me without saying good bye. Are you mad at me?"

Of course I was mad at him. Well, more upset than mad, and more hurt than upset.

After a few minutes, my phone sounded again. It was another text from P'Saint.

"Perth, please call me! I really need to talk to you!"

I still wasn't inclined to talk to him.

"Perth, I love you so much and I miss you so much! Please, please, please!"

Shit, that melted my angry heart. He really knows where to get me.

I tapped on his number right away.

"I love you back," were the first words I said before he could even say hello.

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