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I felt bad about leaving Alyssa last night, but I’d left a note on her nightstand, explaining what happened.

My Mom had pulled the, ‘if you don’t come home I’m killing myself card’ and not wanting to risk it since the last time she’d said it, she’d swallowed half a bottle of pills I’d gone home.

Exhausted, from walking home in the middle of the night, I had no intention of going to school, however remembering that I had my physics midterm, I’d dragged myself out of bed and to school.

I was sitting in physics, staring down at the four page long test with boredom when I heard it, a loud bang and screams.

“What the hell was that?” the girl infront of me asked.

“Probably the senior prank or some shit.” A boy sighed.

“Quiet down.” Our teacher snapped, flipping through her cheesy romance novel.

Sighing, I turned back to my paper, however I couldn’t focus, for some reason I had a bad feeling I just couldn’t shake.

It was a few seconds later that there was another bang, and more screams, closer than before. Feeling sick, I hastily filled in the last questions on the test before raising my hand.

“Yes Luke?” the teacher groaned.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I mumbled.

Rolling her eyes, she gestured to the door.

Offering her a forced smile, I rose to my feet and walked past the other desks of hunched over students, to the door.

The hallways was completely empty apart from a teacher running around the corner away from me, but that was it. I expected some sort of commotion however there was none.

Shoving my hands in my pockets I started towards the water fountain near the bathrooms for a drink, however as I was passing a class room I watched as a door started to swing open infront of me, however stopped abruptly. Looking through the glass I saw a wide eyed girl staring back at me, tears streaming down her face.

Confused I watched, wondering what was going to happen, I expected a lot of things, anything really, other then what happened. There was a loud bang and then her eyes clouding over she slid down the glass to the ground.

Crying out I leapt back as the room was filled with screams. There were more bangs and then the door was thrown open. My heart nearly stopped as a masked figure ran out infront of me, a gun in hand.

We just started at each other for several seconds, and I was almost sure I recognized the hazel eyes behind the mask, however before I could do anything they ran past me down the hall, around a corner and out of sight.

As soon as she was gone I pushed the door to the classroom and stepping inside walked into a scene straight out of a history book.

Kid’s I’d known for years lay splayed out on the ground, piled on top of each other, their glassy eyes wide, their mouths agape and blood pooling around them. Those that were not hurt were crotched next to the injured and dead.

My heart was pounding so furiously in my temples and my ears it took me a moment to hear the screams and the crying but when I did, I stumbled back, grouping around for the door before running out of the room, and out of the school.

Just Wait Till Friday ; hemmings a.uWhere stories live. Discover now