Part 1: Seven AM, the usual morning lineup.

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Jesse had to get ready, and fast. She was running late.

She was clad in her pajamas- a light blue spaghetti strap tank top with white lace at the top, white polka dots, and a white bow in the top center; no shoes, and light blue capri leggings with white polka dots- and rushing through her morning routine.

All because she'd gone to bed late the night before. She'd forgotten about her meeting with Binta, which had been arranged just a few hours after she had defeated the Blaze Rods that same day.

Binta was patient and calm- most of the time- so Binta probably wouldn't mind Jesse running a couple minutes behind schedule.

Jesse hurriedly brushed her dark brown hair, snapped her yellow hairclip on, brushed her teeth as quickly as she could, and applied her dusty red lipstick with a fluid swipe. She then threw her outfit for the day- cornflower blue overalls and a white short-sleeved shirt with red sleeves- onto her body. Jesse's green eyes scanned the room for her brown loafers, which she found almost instantly and hastily slipped onto her feet.

All that was left was breakfast, which was solved by Jesse grabbing a slice of cake and shoving it into her mouth. She chewed it for a few seconds and swallowed.

She then sprinted out the door of her house... only to see a large, billowing cloud of smoke rising into the sky.

The smoke seemed to be coming from one of the rental homes, which Jesse ran to immediately.

Someone could be in danger, so Binta's meeting had to wait.

The rental home- the one the smoke was coming from- had a few small fires, which could easily turn into much bigger fires if they weren't put out quickly.

Jesse took a bucket of water out of her inventory and doused the flames. The fire died down until all that was left was burn marks where the flames once were.

Jesse, who was out of breath from sprinting and rushing to put out a fire, placed the recently-emptied bucket back into her inventory and wiped her forehead.

The smoke had just begun to clear as Romeo exited the rental home, coughing and fanning the smoke away.

Romeo had shoulder length bright red hair, a goatee, and black eyes. He wore a gray v-neck t-shirt, blue jeans, and red converse.

His face had ashes smeared all over it. But his face wasn't the only thing with ashes on it... ash was scattered on his arms, legs, and torso too.

Romeo smiled at Jesse and waved to her.

"Hello, Jesse! Good morning!" Romeo said cheerily, as if nothing had happened and this was a perfectly normal day. His British accent was bright and lively.

"Oh my Notch, Romeo... you set your house on fire!" Jesse pointed out.

"I had everything under control," Romeo answered. If his house on fire was Romeo's idea of "under control," Jesse was really scared to see what his idea of "not under control" was.

"How did you set your house on fire?! Were you practicing your powers? Did you accidentally drop a torch? Did someone else set your house on fire as revenge or something?" Jesse exclaimed. Romeo let out an inaudible sigh.

"Cookies," Romeo stated. Jesse tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "I tried to bake cookies and the oven burst into flames, which spread to the counter... and then to the walls..." Romeo explained. He threw his hands in the air. "I followed the recipe, and it said they were 'easy sugar cookies,' so I don't know what went wrong," Romeo fumed.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Back up. At any point did you not do exactly what a step said?" Jesse asked.

"The recipe said to put the cookies in the oven for ten minutes at one hundred and ninety degrees celsius. So I put the cookies in the oven for one minute at one thousand nine hundred degrees celsius to make them bake faster," Romeo told her.

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