Part 12: Cave spiders, why did it have to be cave spiders?

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 Everyone's eyes were glued to the approaching large navy blue spiders.

"Cave spiders?! It's too bright for them to spawn and we're not in a cave! That's- that's not logical!" Radar squeaked. Petra took her golden sword- Miss Butter- out of her inventory.

"My guess is that Hit the Target sent them after us. Supervillains seem to really enjoy throwing logic in the trash can," Petra quipped. Lukas, Axel, and Olivia grabbed their bows and arrows as Binta lifted up her diamond hoe.

"Anyone who doesn't have a weapon... just stand back and stay safe while the rest of us fight off the cave spiders," Olivia said.

"A diamond hoe doesn't really count as a weapon," Petra remarked. Binta glared at her. "Okay, fine. It does," Petra muttered.

A small amount of red electricity rushed through Romeo's hands, as if it was full of excitement and anticipation. He didn't bring a weapon, but he didn't need one. His powers were his weapons.

But no, he couldn't. Jesse said he had to hide his powers.

Then Romeo realized that Jesse told him to hide his powers before everyone knew he was the Admin, so he really had nothing to lose if he used them now.

Romeo didn't know if Jesse would still be upset if he used his powers in public, but he did know that his powers were a part of who he was and he couldn't stand concealing them any longer.

Romeo blasted three cave spiders with red electricity and suffocated two others with his telekinesis. He teleported three spiders several dozen feet into the air, where they dropped from and hit the pavement. Romeo bashed the last two spiders into tree trunks with his telekinesis until they died.

A smile of pure giddiness was on Romeo's face. His body felt drained from the effort but he didn't care.

Ten more cave spiders climbed into Lizzie's backyard.

Binta slashed at one with her diamond hoe, unrelentlessly striking until the thing was dead.

Jesse dug her sword into the abdomen of a cave spider, Petra drove her sword through a cave spider's head, Lukas pummeled a cave spider with arrows, Axel put two cave spiders in headlocks and squeezed until they suffocated, and Olivia shot down three cave spiders with an automatic arrow shooter that she had quickly built.

Lukas pulled back his bowstring and let his arrow fly at the last cave spider, which died instantly.

"Think that's the last of them?" Lukas asked. Romeo hovered five feet in the air, looked over the trees, and landed back on the ground.

"I don't see any more coming," Romeo reported. Suddenly his legs felt weak and wobbly.

"Please don't pass out. Please don't pass out," Romeo thought. He stumbled to a bench and sat down.

"You alright?" Jesse checked.

"Just a little dizzy, I'll be fine," Romeo insisted.

"Lower your head forward between your knees. It helps blood rush back into your brain which prevents fainting. When you feel like you're not dizzy anymore, try to stand up," Olivia suggested. Romeo lowered his head between his knees. After about a minute the dizziness had vanished and he slowly stood up.

Romeo realized everyone at the party was staring at him. He wasn't sure if the stares were because he had nearly passed out, annihilated ten cave spiders, or revealed that he still had his powers. Maybe it was a combination of the three.

Romeo managed to force a smile.

"Hello everyone. So that just happened. I still have some of my powers but there's no need to panic. This is, um... this is really awkward," Romeo said nervously.

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