Part 18: Romeo's Answer

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 "So what did you want to talk about?" Romeo asked.

"I'm working for this guy named Hit the Target. We're trying to save the world together," Veeva began.

That was it. No dramatic reveal, no gloating, no fireworks or fanfare. Just a sad young woman who was suffering from the delusion that Hit the Target was a good person.

Honestly, Romeo could have done it a lot better. Like his "I was pretending to be Vos the whole time" reveal. That was a really good one. The only way it could have been better was with fireworks. Anything is better with fireworks.

Romeo pulled himself out of his thoughts and his eyes widened. Veeva was the accomplice?

Of course she was. Veeva mentioned she was working on a mind control machine, cheated in a competition to get a diamond, and was completely okay with lying to save her own skin. She was head over heels in love with Romeo despite the fact that she knew he was the Admin... and had no knowledge of the fact that he regretted his past as a villain, joined the heroes, and didn't kill Fred- his closest friend- on purpose.

Veeva said she had to return something to Erica after the party was over. The accomplice had stolen a voice modifier from Cassie Rose, who was using "Erica" as a fake identity. Veeva must have been planning to return the voice modifier to Cassie.

Romeo wished he could shout "Aha! So you're the accomplice! I knew it!", but he hadn't pieced the clues together until now.

Romeo backed away from Veeva.

"You're Hit the Target's accomplice!" Romeo shouted.

"That's what I said. Is something wrong?" Veeva replied.

"'Is something wrong?'" Romeo echoed. He laughed mirthlessly. "'Is something wrong?' Yeah, something's wrong. You're helping an immoral man who's brutally murdered someone and blackmailed several people," Romeo snapped.

Veeva looked at him like he'd just made a colossal misunderstanding.

"Hit the Target isn't immoral. He's trying to make the world a better place," Veeva stated. She paused for a moment. "Which brings me to my next point... in his quest to take over every town and city to improve the world, he needs you. Romeo, please join us. If you don't..." Veeva began to break down in tears. "He'll kill you. Romeo, please... Hit the Target can get all of your powers back and you'll have as many friends as you want if you join our side," Veeva begged.

Romeo's mouth dropped open. Veeva was offering him everything he ever wanted. He could be loved by everyone again. He could have his power and control back. He'd never feel weak, worthless, or unloved for the rest of his life.

He pressed his lips together. He knew the answer to her plea in a heartbeat.

"No. I'm doing what's right. I'm done with destroying the lives of other people to get what I want," Romeo said. Veeva looked extremely shocked by his reply. "I don't know what Hit the Target is promising you... but he's using you, Veeva. How can you not see that? He tells you he wants to make the world a better place... but he really just wants to control it. Once he's done with you, he'll just throw you to the curb," Romeo told her.

"Stop it! You're just saying that so I'll join Jesse's side!" Veeva argued. Romeo gave her a look of pity.

"Does Hit the Target ever compliment you when he doesn't want something at the moment? He doesn't really care about you," Romeo added. A look of realization crossed Veeva's face and tears spilled out of her eyes.

"Stop making me confused!" Veeva sobbed.

"I had friends like him once. They used me for money and popularity," Romeo explained. Veeva wiped away her tears, clenched her fists, and glared at him.

"You don't know anything about Target. You like to act like you do, but you don't. He's a good man who's just willing to make the necessary sacrifices to make the world perfect... like killing people who refuse to help with his plans," Veeva responded bitterly.

"Are you even listening to yourself? That's crazy!" Romeo exclaimed. Romeo paused for a moment to calm down. "Veeva, trust me. I know what it's like to think you're the hero of the story when really you're the villain. I was so lost in my own delusions, so corrupted by power, so done with the constant disappointment, so desperate for a friend, so torn apart by the loneliness and grief that I didn't realize that my supposed heroic quest was hurting so many people," Romeo sighed.

"You're wrong. The difference between our leaders- Target and Jesse- is that Target is willing to do what has to be done to save the day, no matter what it takes, but Jesse has limits. I don't want to work against you... but if I have to, I will," Veeva retorted.

Veeva turned her back and gave Romeo one last look before she fled Lizzie's backyard.

A hollow, empty, broken feeling- with just a hint of anger to go along with it- lodged itself in Romeo's chest. It was a strange feeling, one he'd never felt before, so he couldn't identify what it was.

Romeo couldn't believe that he'd trusted her and she revealed that she was working for Hit the Target and didn't plan on putting an end to their collaboration anytime soon.

Romeo decided he would visit Xara, meet up with Jesse and tell her that Veeva was the accomplice, and then help Stella with rebuilding Champion City.

He wouldn't let Veeva's backstabbing ruin the rest of his day.

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