Part 5: A Rule Breaker

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 Lizzie took a microphone out of her inventory and tapped it a few times to make sure it was working.

"Can everyone hear me?" Lizzie questioned. All of her guests nodded. "Okay, great. I bet all of you can see the hedge maze, and you're all probably wondering... why does this crazy woman have a maze in her backyard? Well, the answer is that all of you are going to go in that maze. Yep, that's right, our main party game is a gigantic hedge maze. It's pretty simple, you'll all venture into the maze and try to find the exit. First person to conquer the maze gets five diamonds," Lizzie explained. She paused for a moment. "There are some rules, though. You aren't allowed to use any objects to help you out. This includes potions, blocks, weapons, ladders, you get the idea. Sabotaging other people in any way is prohibited, this is a friendly competition. And I think that's it," Lizzie added.

"But what if we never find the way out?" Stampy faltered. Lizzie simply shrugged.

"I guess you'll continue wandering around the maze for the rest of your life. After all, the maze is so big there's no way we could possibly find you," Lizzie joked. Stampy looked absolutely terrified. "I'm just messing with you. There's no way I'd leave anyone in there. If anyone is lost, Joel and I will search the maze until we find everyone," Lizzie told him.

Stampy let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness!" Stampy exclaimed.

"I'll give all of you some time to get lined up," Lizzie said. Veeva, Stampy, Stacy, Amy, Jesse, Petra, Lukas, Romeo, Axel, Olivia, Binta, Radar, Stella, Ysa, Adara, and Lillian lined up at the maze's entrance.

Romeo was excited for the maze, but it didn't do anything to dispel his nervousness. He couldn't trust any of these people- the YouTubers. Not even Lizzie, one of his only friends. Any one of the YouTubers could be Hit the Target's associate and he didn't have the faintest idea who.

It felt like acid was eating away at the insides of his stomach.

Veeva suddenly turned her head to Romeo, which startled him a little.

"Am I really that scary?" Veeva quipped.

"No. No, you're not. I just wasn't expecting you to talk to me," Romeo explained. The corners of Veeva's mouth turned upwards.

"I was going to wish you good luck," Veeva told him. Romeo smiled at her, which made her cheeks become tinted with pink.

"Thanks. You too," Romeo told her, which made her blush even more.

"Ooooh, somebody likes you!" Olivia whispered. Romeo rolled his eyes.

"Just because she's blushing a little and wishing me good luck doesn't mean she has a crush on me," Romeo answered. A wide mischievous grin spread across Petra's face.

"Suuure," Petra said sarcastically.

"She doesn't fancy me. I barely even know her," Romeo muttered. A tiny smile appeared on Lukas' face.

"Romeo, don't be so oblivious. She thinks you're cute," Lukas stated.

Romeo glanced at Veeva, who was still gazing warmly at him.

One of the suspects was in love with him.


That won't be a burden.

Romeo groaned and looked absolutely exasperated.

"She could have picked anyone else, but noooo, she had to pick me," Romeo grumbled.

"At least she'll trust you enough to answer your interrogation questions," Jesse responded quietly. Romeo couldn't help but chuckle at her terrible attempt at lowering her voice.

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