Part 24: Ruining a Perfectly Good Picnic Spot

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 Romeo approached Xara's home and knocked on her door. Xara stared at him through the door's windows for a moment before she opened the door.

"Oh, it's just you. I thought that girl was back," Xara muttered. Romeo's eyes widened.

"A girl was here?" Romeo questioned. A glimmer of hope appeared as he realized Xara could be talking about Kali or Nisha. Xara nodded and frowned.

"Veeva Dash visited me. She asked me to join Hit the Target, to which I refused. Veeva then proceeded to ramble about how much of a wonderful angel Hit the Target is for about three minutes... despite the fact that he's a morally bankrupt criminal mastermind who has attempted to murder several people. I swear to Notch, that woman is completely insane," Xara grumbled. She let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm not sure what Hit the Target would want me for... but that's not why I wanted you to come here. Follow me... It's better to show you what happened than explain it. It's easier that way," Xara mumbled. Xara and Romeo walked to a quiet clearing in the forest.

The clearing was peppered with dandelions. A blanket of soft green grass covered the dirt, a gentle breeze brushed Romeo and Xara's skin, and a ring of oak trees surrounded them.

"Watch my hand closely," Xara ordered. She clenched a fist... and nothing happened. "Why isn't it working?" Xara hissed. She tightened her fist even more and her fist was surrounded by purple fire. Romeo's mouth dropped open.

"You- you still have your powers," Romeo stammered.

"Just the fire blasts and control of fire," Xara clarified.

While Xara was distracted, the purple fire increased in size and touched one of the trees. The tree was instantly set ablaze and the fire began to slowly spread to the rest of the trees.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying? Control of fire?" Romeo quipped. Xara rolled her eyes and glared at Romeo.

"Oh, and I bet getting your powers back was like riding a bike," Xara replied sarcastically.

"What made you think it was such a great idea to practice your fire blasts in a forest full of flammable trees? Did the fact that you would probably start a forest fire cross your mind even once?" Romeo retorted. Xara crossed her arms.

"Okay, I admit it was a stupid idea," Xara hissed. Romeo stared at the raging forest fire and bit his lip.

"I really imagined dying more heroically," Romeo sighed.

"We're not going to die. I have a few buckets of water, and if we hurry we should be able to put out the fires before we're completely surrounded by flaming trees," Xara responded. She gave Romeo a bucket of water and the two of them managed to quickly dump water onto the burning trees.

"Well, that just happened," Romeo said nonchalantly.


Later that night, Jesse and Lukas arrived at a grassy hill outside Beacontown for their date. The stars were twinkling in the clear midnight blue sky... it was the perfect night for stargazing.

Jesse had decided to wear black velvet four inch high heels, a silver star-shaped hair clip, dusty red lipstick, and a midnight blue halter dress with white rhinestones.

Lukas wore a long sleeved dark blue suit jacket with a white shirt underneath, black pants, and black shoes.

"You're so beautiful in that dress... it's like it was made for you," Lukas gushed. Jesse blushed and smiled at him.

"I think you're beautiful in your dress too," Jesse blurted. Her eyes widened as she instantly realized her mistake. "Uh... I meant handsome in your suit. You're so handsome in your suit. Not beautiful in your dress. Not that you aren't beautiful or that you'd look bad in a dress, but-" Jesse rambled. Lukas' cheeks went red and he slipped his hand into Jesse's hand.

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