Part 22: Hit the Target's Trademark Favorite Army

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 "Someone used that little dart thing to kidnap people?" Gill asked.

"Yeah, that's the only possible explanation... unless Colton, Kali, and Nisha usually have sleeping darts in their house," Romeo answered. Aiden shook his head.

"I know the Ravena siblings pretty well and I can tell you that they would never have sleeping darts lying around their house. They were definitely abducted by someone," Aiden confirmed.

"But who would do something like that?! And why?!" Maya exclaimed. She looked horrified and extremely distraught.

"To make a sleeping dart, you first have to make a sleeping potion to inject into the dart's victim. Only advanced alchemists can make sleeping potions. I only know of five people who really know their way around potions- Ivor, Willow, Amy, Veeva, and Cassie," Romeo stated.

"Can you please get to the point?" Aiden groaned. Romeo rolled his eyes and glared at him.

"Just- just follow my train of logic. I'm walking you through my thought process so you know that I'm not just making a wild guess," Romeo snapped. He let out a groan of frustration. "We can remove Ivor, Willow, and Amy from our list of suspects because they're definitely on Jesse's side. All that's left is Cassie and Veeva. Cassie has no reason to kidnap the Ravena siblings... they don't have an enchanted flint and steel and they aren't close friends of Jesse's so Cassie can't exactly use them as leverage. Veeva, on the other hand, works for Hit the Target, and we know Hit the Target has been attempting to recruit people," Romeo explained.

"But why would Hit the Target choose Colton, Kali, and Nisha to work for him?" Maya replied.

"Probably because they live in the outskirts of Beacontown, so he thought no one would notice if they... disappeared," Romeo guessed. He slipped the sleeping dart into his inventory. "We should tell Jesse about this, then investigate any other leads we can to know more about what Hit the Target is planning," Romeo added. Aiden crossed his arms.

"You think you can push me around? No one can do that. Not anymore," Aiden hissed. Romeo was reaching his limit. He wanted to scare Aiden into submission, but he decided he'd be patient for a little while longer.

"I wasn't trying to give orders. I was just suggesting-" Romeo began.

Aiden completely lost his temper. His nostrils flared and he clenched his fists.

"Just suggesting? Just suggesting?! You weren't 'just suggesting!' You were making sure that everyone knew you were the boss! I can't ever get what I want! I can't go anywhere without being second best!" Aiden screamed. Romeo flinched at Aiden's outburst. "You get to ride on Jesse's coattails because she likes you for some reason even though you're a terrible person," Aiden muttered.

Romeo's brittle self restraint completely shattered.

"Augh, you're- you're just impossible! I've given you so many chances, only for you to continue to be as rude as ever. I'm done," Romeo growled. Maya bit her lip. She tapped Aiden on the shoulder and then tapped Romeo's shoulder.

"Uhh... guys?" Maya said nervously. She pointed at the windows and Romeo saw that the house was surrounded by a horde of cave spiders.

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is that cave spider hordes are basically Hit the Target's trademark favorite army, so we know for sure that he had something to do with the Ravena siblings' disappearance. The bad news is that we've been ambushed," Romeo announced.

"We need a plan," Aiden pointed out.

Romeo wasn't sure if Aiden meant "I have a plan" or "someone please come up with a plan." Judging by Aiden's personality, Romeo guessed that the first of the two possible interpretations was correct.

Romeo waited for Aiden to start giving orders, but it didn't happen. Instead Aiden stared at Romeo expectantly. Romeo was shocked... Aiden was really looking at him to lead?

"Any ideas?" Aiden said somewhat nervously.

"Thanks for asking me. Maybe you're not so bad after all," Romeo answered.

"Okay, I know I've been a little rude. I'm just frustrated that I keep on losing, over and over, and nothing ever turns around for me... like I've been dealt a bad hand by fate. No matter how hard I work, I can't even get one thing that I want and Jesse already has. Do you have any idea how infuriating that is?" Aiden grumbled. Romeo nodded and let out a sigh.

"I'd wished I had Jesse's life too, to the point where I'd actually impersonated her to get all of the friends that she had," Romeo admitted.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Aiden responded.

"To let you know that I've been in your shoes. Aiden, I understand what it's like to be jealous of someone. I really do. But taking what you want by force is not the way to deal with that jealousy," Romeo explained. Aiden's expression was full of regret.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Aiden mumbled. Maya turned to Romeo and Aiden.

"I hate to interrupt your chat, but we're kinda surrounded by a horde of cave spiders right now, soooo..." Maya piped up.

"Oh. Yeah. I was thinking that Aiden and Gill could distract the cave spiders while you and I sneak to the back of the cave spider army to attack them from behind. Cave spiders aren't too bright, so it should work," Romeo suggested. Maya, Aiden, and Gill drew their iron swords. Aiden and Gill stepped out of the house and Aiden waved his sword around to get the cave spider army's attention.

"Hey! Over here!" Aiden shouted. The cave spiders hissed at Aiden and crawled towards him. Aiden stabbed a cave spider's head and it instantly died. Another cave spider tried to jump onto his chest, but he managed to move out of the way.

"Be careful! They can poison you!" Maya warned.

"I am being careful," Aiden grumbled. Gill killed one of the cave spiders by stabbing it in the abdomen. The cave spiders angrily hissed at him.

"Please be nice spiders," Gill whimpered.

Romeo drew his diamond sword and gestured for Maya to follow him. The two of them ran to the back of the cave spider army.

Maya defeated two cave spiders in one blow and smiled.

"Ha! Eat that, you eight-eyed creeps!" Maya exclaimed. Romeo slaughtered a group of cave spiders with his sword.

Maya drove her sword into a cave spider. The cave spider laid on the ground twitching for a few seconds before its life ended.

Romeo cut off a cave spider's legs. It laid on the ground, thrashing its head and unable to move around, for about half a minute before it finally died.

Maya, Aiden, Gill, and Romeo managed to kill all of the cave spiders. They were a bit weary from the fight and their swords were covered in cave spider guts.

"Ew. Now I have spider slime all over my nice new sword," Maya gagged.

"You really like your sword to be shiny and clean, huh? Kind of reminds me of Stella," Romeo commented. His eyes widened and then he slapped a palm to his forehead. "Speaking of whom, I'm supposed to be helping her rebuild her city now," Romeo realized.

"We can tell Jesse about Colton, Kali, and Nisha's disappearance. You take care of your city rebuilding project," Aiden replied.

"Thank you. Hopefully I'll see the three of you again soon," Romeo answered. The corners of Aiden's mouth turned upwards.

"With all of this crazy Hit the Target stuff going on, I can guarantee that we'll definitely be seeing a lot of each other," Aiden quipped. Romeo smiled at Aiden.

"Goodbye for now, then. I have some rebuilding to do," Romeo said. He snapped his fingers to teleport to Champion City and arrived at Champion City's gates. 

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