Part 11: Cupcakes, Interrogations, and Promises

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 "I forgot to mention that we don't have time to take breaks. No stopping at buffet tables or playing cornhole," Jesse whispered. She then began to walk away from Romeo.

Romeo slowly moved in front of Amy to not startle her, but unfortunately the poor girl's face was full of fear despite his attempt to be as non-threatening as possible.

"Hello," Romeo managed to say, although awkwardly.

"Please don't hurt me," Amy whimpered. Romeo's eyes widened.

"Why would I hurt you?" Romeo said. Romeo then remembered that thanks to Cassie Rose telling everyone he was the Admin, his reputation was extremely terrible. "Oh, I- Um... Just let me explain..." Romeo stammered. To Romeo's surprise, Lizzie arrived and stood next to him.

"He's not going to stab you in the gut or anything, he's my friend," Lizzie explained. She rolled her eyes and turned to Romeo. "Honestly, ever since Erica said you were the Admin everyone's been absolutely crazy," Lizzie muttered.

"Crazy how?" Romeo asked nervously.

"Just freaking out and basically avoiding you like the plague. It's like you have some kind of infectious virus that kills everyone you come into close contact with or something," Lizzie told him. The corners of Lizzie's mouth turned upwards. "Give me a high five," Lizzie said.

"Why?" Romeo answered.

"Just do it." Lizzie held her hand up for a high five, which Romeo provided. She then raised her hand in the air. "Look! I'm not dead," Lizzie announced in a snarky monotone. She was approached by Jesse, who had a silver cupcake wrapper sticking out of one of her pockets.

"Lizzie? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Jesse said.

"Sure," Lizzie replied. Romeo noticed the gleaming silver cupcake wrapper in Jesse's pocket and couldn't help but have a hunch that Jesse had only told him he couldn't go to the buffet table so she could hoard the cupcakes.

"Jesse, you said we don't have time to stop at the buffet tables. And you ate a cupcake," Romeo pointed out. Jesse shoved the cupcake wrapper into her pocket.

"No I didn't," Jesse lied. The corners of Romeo's mouth turned upwards.

"I saw the wrapper," Romeo insisted.

"Fine. I ate a vanilla cupcake," Jesse sighed. As she took the cupcake wrapper out of her pocket, three more cupcake wrappers tumbled to the floor. "I ate four vanilla cupcakes," Jesse confessed.

"That's fine, but you can't ban me from cupcakes when you ate four because that's just not fair. I'm getting a couple desserts," Romeo stated.

And with that, Romeo headed to the buffet tables. There was a line, but everyone in it quickly headed to the other side of the backyard when they saw Romeo coming. He grabbed a red velvet cupcake and a vanilla macaron, which he ate fairly quickly before grabbing another vanilla macaron and returning to Amy.

Lizzie must have left with Jesse for interrogations.

Amy made eye contact with Romeo. There was still a hint of fear in her expression, but she had calmed down.

"You're Lizzie's friend, so maybe you're not as bad as everyone says," Amy decided.

"Well, I was as bad as everyone says but then I realized I was being an absolutely terrible person and I changed," Romeo explained. His eyes moved to the floor. "That's probably not helping my case," Romeo realized. He took a vanilla macaron out of his inventory... maybe sugar would make him feel a bit better.

Amy beamed and stared at the macaron.

"Oh my goodness, what is that?" Amy gasped.

"It's a macaron. Do you want it?" Romeo answered. Amy nodded vigorously, then Romeo gave her the macaron and she ate it instantly.

"It tastes really delicious in its own way. I love it muchly, I really do," Amy commented. Her expression was even calmer now, with only a hint of cautious nervousness. "Your name is Romeo, right?" Amy questioned.

Romeo let out a laugh. "Unfortunately it is."

"I have a dog named Romeo. It's kind of strange to know a person with the same name as your doggie," Amy stated.

Romeo had realized that Amy was a bit eccentric, incredibly enthusiastic, imaginative, and sometimes distracted. Amy was an interesting personality, and the way she spoke... well, Romeo had never heard anyone speak like her in the many years he'd lived.

"I was wondering if you like to make potions," Romeo piped up. He'd already taken too long to start the interrogation. If he didn't start now, Hit the Target's accomplice could find out what's going on and get away.

"I make a lot of potions because it's so fun and magical, it's like I'm a wizard," Amy replied.

"What were you doing around eleven o'clock last night?" Romeo added.

"I was editing a video in my bedroom," Amy told him.

"This has been a great chat, but I have to get more cupcakes before they're gone," Romeo said. He waved goodbye to Amy and rushed over to the buffet table to snatch a few more red velvet cupcakes.

While Romeo interrogated Amy, Jesse was involved in an interrogation of her own.

"Lizzie, I already know that you like to make potions. Did you make any around eleven o'clock last night?" Jesse asked. Lizzie shook her head.

"No, Joel and I were both getting ready to fall asleep. We had just finished decorating my house," Lizzie explained. She paused for a moment and looked off into the distance before making eye contact with Jesse. "Can I ask you for a favor?" Lizzie sighed. Jesse nodded and gave Lizzie her full attention. "I can't help but feel like something's going on here. The whole 'Erica ruining Romeo's reputation' incident seemed really strange," Lizzie continued.

"Erica lied when she said Romeo was being really cruel to her. The whole thing- including her revealing that he was the Admin- was just to make no one believed Romeo when he said she was using a fake identity," Jesse stated. Lizzie's eyebrows rose.

"Do you know who Erica really is?" Lizzie responded.

"She's Cassie Rose," Jesse answered. Lizzie's mouth dropped open, then her shock quickly turned to anger.

"I shared cookies with her, showed kindness to her, and trusted her and she repays me by killing three of my friends and destroying the reputation of another," Lizzie snapped. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm afraid she's going to emotionally or physically hurt more people I care about. Like Joel and Stampy and Stacy," Lizzie mumbled.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," Jesse promised. She heard something scuttling and a hiss.

Jesse instantly drew her diamond sword and ran to the center of the backyard. Romeo quickly walked over to her.

"Did you hear that too? Please tell me I'm not going crazy and you heard that," Romeo stammered.

"The hiss and the creepy scuttling? Yeah, I definitely heard that," Jesse responded.

Ten large navy blue spiders with red eyes crawled over the birch trees and into Lizzie's backyard. 

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