Part 9: It's Officially Time To Panic

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 "We've got to tell Jesse, Petra, Radar, Stella, Axel, Olivia, and Binta. They have to know that Erica Stirpe is Cassie Rose," Romeo decided. Lukas nodded in agreement.

"I'll find everyone, you stay here," Lukas said.

He ran off to the backyard and returned with Jesse, Petra, Radar, Stella, Axel, Olivia, and Binta behind him.

"I have something I have to tell all of you. I looked over what we know about Erica so far... and I'm sure that she's Cassie Rose. I have proof. She wears rose scented perfume, she uses ender pearls- and I really can't name anyone else who does, her tactic was to throw all suspicion onto Romeo and pretend to be sweet and innocent, she wears glasses, and she has green eyes," Lukas stated. Petra's eyes widened.

"Ohh my gosh. You're right," Petra responded. She turned to Romeo and let out a sigh. "Look, Admin, I don't like you at all," Petra began. Romeo winced, both at her addressing him as "Admin" and saying she didn't like him. "Just let me finish, okay? I hate your guts, but no one- not even a jerk like you- should be used like that. You're a person. Not a chess piece," Petra added.

Romeo looked confused and slightly hurt by the insults.

"So... you really hate me, but you're on my side?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say it like that," Petra replied with a shrug.

"Who's Cassie Rose?" Binta questioned.

"Have you been living under a rock?" Axel gasped. Binta frowned at him.

"Kind of, I've been living under bedrock," Binta sighed. Romeo's face went red. He then instantly grabbed a pillow from one of the backyard benches, used it to cover his face, and sat down on the grass.

"Embarrassment, thy name is Romeo," Petra joked.

"Stop it," Romeo answered, his words muffled by the pillow.

"Who would've thought? The mighty Admin seeking shelter behind a pillow," Petra snickered.

At this point, Romeo had enough and threw the pillow at her. The pillow smacked Petra in the face and fell to the grass. A laugh escaped Romeo's mouth, then he stood up.

"Oh, you want a pillow fight? It's on," Petra said. She grabbed a pillow from a bench and tossed it at Romeo's stomach. Romeo picked up his pillow and whacked Petra in the face with it.

Petra reached for her pillow. She carefully snuck up to Romeo from behind and attacked him with it.

"Guys... can it wait? We kind of have important stuff to deal with," Olivia pointed out. Romeo slapped Petra with the pillow one more time for his own amusement.

"All right. We'll stop," Romeo complied. Petra pointed a finger at Romeo.

"Don't think this is over," Petra joked. Romeo held back a laugh.

"Binta, to answer your question... Jesse followed the Blaze Rods- Maya, Aiden, and Gill- through a portal in the Old Builders' Temple to stop them from stealing the Eversource, an infinite source of materials. This portal took her to a place called Sky City, which is exactly what it sounds like... a floating city in the sky. Anyway, Jesse found out that Aiden told the Founder-" Romeo began.

"I want a quick definition, Romeo. Not the entire encyclopedia entry. You've gone on this long rambling synopsis and you still haven't even mentioned Cassie's name," Binta interrupted. Romeo let out a sigh.

"Cassie Rose, also known as the White Pumpkin, is a person who killed three people in her attempt to acquire the enchanted flint and steel to get home. She's an expert at redstone and manipulation," Romeo explained.

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