Part 20: An Unexpected Encounter

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"Xara, thank you so much. I really needed that," Romeo said. The corners of Xara's mouth turned upwards.

"No problem. So... what is the name of the girl that betrayed you and what does she look like?" Xara questioned.

"Veeva Dash. She has black hair that she wears in a low ponytail and always wears this golden... headband thing. Why do you ask?" Romeo replied.

"So I can punch her on sight," Xara said nonchalantly. Romeo wasn't surprised in the slightest by her response. He knew Xara had a violent streak and was extremely protective of him and Fred.

"I haven't told Jesse about the accomplice's identity yet because I wanted to see you first, so I have to leave to give her the news sometime soon," Romeo answered. He looked very upset, like he could fall to pieces at any moment from the hurt of betrayal.

"Let's leave now then," Xara decided. Romeo couldn't help but smile. He'd missed her so much.

Xara picked up her bow and arrow and slipped it into her inventory, then she and Romeo exited the house.

"Jesse should be at home because Radar said she didn't have anything scheduled for the rest of the day," Romeo guessed. Xara and Romeo ran to Jesse's home.

Once they arrived, Xara slammed her fist against the door quickly and repeatedly.

"Xara, that's not how you knock," Romeo corrected.

"Really? I think that is how you knock when you have an urgent message," Xara retorted. Romeo opened his mouth to protest, but then realized she had a point.

"Okay, maybe you're right," Romeo admitted.

Jesse- who had taken off her armor and was now in her usual outfit- opened the door and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, you two can be next to each other without a fight happening? And do you always knock like that or do you guys really have to tell me something?" Jesse questioned.

"Xara forgave me-" Romeo began. Xara narrowed her eyes at him.

"I don't forgive you, but I also don't hate you," Xara replied.

"Honestly I don't blame you for not forgiving me. I was just under the misconception that... never mind. Before I left the party, Veeva revealed that she's the accomplice," Romeo stated. Jesse's eyes widened.

"Veeva? I definitely wasn't expecting that... but at least we know who the accomplice is," Jesse commented.

"She asked me to join Hit the Target's side and said that he'd kill me if I turned down the offer," Romeo explained. Jesse bit her lip. Her expression was a mix of fear and sadness.

"You didn't accept, right? What would Hit the Target want you for?" Jesse asked.

"No, I didn't accept. Even if I did and tried to work as a double agent, Hit the Target would probably tell me to kill a puppy to prove my loyalty... and that's off the table because I really like puppies. As for what Hit the Target would want me for... my powers, probably," Romeo told her. Xara looked extremely confused and turned to Romeo.

"Your powers? I thought Jesse removed your powers with the Golden Gauntlet," Xara said.

Romeo had two options.

The first was to play dumb and say something along the lines of: "Yeah. For some reason she thinks I still have my powers."

The second was to tell Xara the truth even though it might make her hate him again and completely destroy any chance he had of restoring their friendship.

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