Part 15: Olivia and Radar Uncover an Unsettling Clue

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Radar and Olivia approached Ivor's house: a stone skull on top of a tower with water pouring out of its mouth. Olivia knocked on the door and waited for a response.

No one answered.

Olivia knocked again, but with a bit more force. Again, no one answered.

Olivia then banged on the door with her fist over and over until the door swung open.

The person who had answered the door was Ivor's daughter, Willow... a thirteen year old girl with long dark brown hair that she wore down and pale green eyes. She wore white overalls, white loafers, a light purple hair clip, and a light purple t-shirt.

"Oh, hi! Sorry, I would have gotten to the door sooner but I didn't hear you," Willow explained.

"Where's your father?" Olivia questioned.

"Out with Mom. Dad left me home like he always does because 'I could get hurt' or something like that. Sorry, was I ranting? Let's start over. Hi. Nice to see you. What are you here for?" Willow rambled. Olivia took the empty potion bottle out of her inventory.

"Well, we were going to ask your father to test this potion bottle, but-" Olivia began. Willow's eyes lit up.

"I can test it!" Willow exclaimed.

"Really?" Radar asked hopefully. Willow nodded and took the potion bottle from Olivia.

"Yep! Thank you so much! I was getting really bored!" Willow responded. She motioned for Radar and Olivia to follow her. The three of them walked inside and shut the front door, then walked down the stairs to the basement. "Ta-da! Here is my workspace!" Willow announced, gesturing to the basement with her hand.

Her workspace wasn't as impressive as she liked to think it was.

The basement had smooth stone floors and cobblestone walls. The walls were lined with wooden tables that clearly had several burns, chemical stains, and rough edges that were not sanded down.

There were several wooden chests on the floor that had potion bottles, potion ingredients, and other materials crammed into them.

Olivia was appalled by the complete lack of organization and cleanliness. She turned her head to Radar, who was definitely looking queasy.

Olivia winced, hoped with all her heart that he wouldn't vomit, and then made eye contact with Willow.

"Oh. Nice laboratory you have here," Olivia commented, trying her best to act like she meant it. Willow nodded vigorously.

"I know, right?" Willow walked over to one of the tables, grabbed a cotton ball, swabbed the empty potion bottle with the cotton ball, and dropped the cotton ball in a resealable plastic bag. "I'm going upstairs to test this, you two have to wait here," Willow said. She then walked up the stairs with the empty potion bottle and resealable plastic bag.

"This place is so filthy! I think I'm gonna throw up..." Radar whimpered.

"You are not going to throw up," Olivia ordered. Radar's eyes watered. He gulped and nodded.

"We get to leave soon though, right?" Radar asked.

"Probably," Olivia answered.

Willow ran down the stairs with the bottle and resealable plastic bag.

"Through my tests I detected traces of spider eye, but no sugar or mushrooms so it's not a potion of weakness, slowness, or harming. There's only one potion that contains spider eyes but no sugar or mushrooms... potion of poison," Willow stated.

"So there was once poison in that bottle?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah. That's what I said, right? Well, it's not lethal poison, but it can put someone in a lot of pain and nearly kill them. Potion of harming and potion of decay are lethal poisons, on the other hand," Willow told her. Olivia bit her lip.

"Okay, at least it's not lethal... that's good," Radar added.

"Is your father okay with you messing around with chemicals down here?" Olivia asked Willow.

"Oh, yeah. He actually encourages it," Willow replied.

"He lets you handle chemicals but he doesn't let you leave the house? That is really weird," Radar pointed out. Willow shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm used to him being weird," Willow responded.

"Thanks for helping us, but we have to get back to Jesse," Olivia said.

"You're welcome! Bye! Tell Jesse I said hello and that she's super cool and I look up to her!" Willow squeaked.

Radar and Olivia waved goodbye to her and exited the house.

"Right after all of this Hit the Target stuff is over... we're going to have a talk with Ivor about his parenting," Olivia sighed. 

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