Part 10: The Eleven O'Clock Potion-Making Club?

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 "Psst! Ysa!" Jesse whispered. Ysa turned around to face Jesse.

"Uh... hi?" Ysa faltered.

"I was just wondering where you were around eleven o'clock last night and if you like to make potions," Jesse replied.

"I was sleeping around eleven o'clock last night because I value my sleep. I kind of like to make potions... I'll make a potion of swiftness about once a week so I can get things done faster," Ysa explained. She paused for a moment and tilted her head. "Do you want to sign me up for an eleven o'clock potion-making club or something?" Ysa added. Jesse decided to roll with Ysa's assumption.

"Yeah. Do you want to sign up?" Jesse asked.

"Thanks for the offer, but my answer is no. I don't have that much time on my hands," Ysa told her. Jesse nodded slowly and smiled to seem as non-suspicious as possible.

"Okay. Um, thanks for letting me know!" Jesse casually moved away from Ysa, hoping that Ysa didn't sense that something was off about the encounter.

"Stampy and Stacy definitely aren't potion-makers, so they wouldn't have dropped a potion bottle and that takes them off the suspect list. Romeo and I just have to have conversations with Amy Lee, Lizzie, and Joel," Jesse thought.

Meanwhile, Romeo was trying to work up the confidence to interrogate Veeva. He took a deep breath and increased the speed of his walking.

"You can do this. It's just a little interrogation. Even you can't mess that up," the voice in Romeo's head whispered.

For a second Romeo just stood behind Veeva, utterly frozen.

"You can do this." Romeo reached out to tap Veeva on the shoulder, then stopped at the last second. "Come on, you just have to get her attention and ask her a couple questions. It's easy." Romeo strengthened his resolve and finally tapped Veeva on the shoulder.

Veeva turned towards him with a playful grin on her face.

"I wasn't expecting you to talk to me," Veeva said.

"Wait... you don't hate me?" Romeo questioned. He was very confused, surprised, and nervous when Veeva suddenly burst into giggles. It took her an entire ten seconds to smother her laughter.

"Why would I hate you?" Veeva snickered.

"I'm the Admin. The guy who impersonated Jesse, imprisoned a lot of people, locked one of his best friends in a cell alone, accidentally- though almost everyone thinks it's on purpose- killed his other best friend, accidentally- though almost everyone thinks it's on purpose- killed two of someone else's best friends, forced Jesse to participate in dangerous challenges, and put loads of people in danger," Romeo explained.

"I knew you were the Admin the second I arrived at this party. You and the Admin had the same nose, height, mouth, and hair. I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, but then I just looked into your eyes and I knew. You can tell a lot about people from their eyes," Veeva told him. She smiled gently and stared into his eyes.

"I was wondering if you were into alchemy," Romeo answered. Veeva beamed at him.

"You're into making potions?" Veeva asked.

"No. No. One of my friends was wondering if you like to do that sort of thing," Romeo clarified.

"Yeah, I love brewing. I would definitely call myself an expert. I'm always experimenting to discover new potions," Veeva elaborated.

"And where were you around eleven o'clock last night?"

"I was up late working on a redstone project," Veeva replied. Her cheeks went red. "Romeo, I've had a huge crush on you. You're friendly, kind, smart, cute, and incredibly brave. I know you've made some mistakes and it doesn't matter. I still really like you a lot," Veeva gushed. There were a few seconds of silence.

"That's very sweet of you to say, but I really don't want to be in a romantic relationship right now. It has nothing to do with you. I'd say no to anyone," Romeo said. Veeva stared at him, but wasn't crying. "You're not upset," Romeo noticed.

"Of course not. I'm not one of those fragile individuals that will start sobbing when rejected," Veeva stated. Romeo chuckled, then the corners of his mouth turned upwards.

"I am one of those fragile individuals that will start sobbing when rejected," Romeo thought.

"So we're friends?" Romeo responded. He held out his hand to Veeva and she shook it.

"Friends, but I'm here in case you change your mind," Veeva confirmed. She touched a finger to his heart and then walked away. Petra raised an eyebrow.

"Did she just boop you on the heart?" Petra asked. Romeo let out an exasperated sigh and nodded.

"Veeva took it surprisingly well when I rejected her and she's not actively pursuing me, so I'll count that as a win," Romeo answered.

Jesse walked up to Petra and Romeo with a smile on her face.

"My conversation with Ysa was a bit awkward but I got the information I needed. You and Veeva talked for a lot longer than Ysa and I did, so I just watched you two. I'm proud of you, Ro," Jesse said. She gave Romeo a hug and then released him from it.

Jesse didn't say why she was proud of him, but to Romeo it didn't matter. Heartfelt words from his friend were enough... he didn't have to know what they meant.

"I'll interrogate Lizzie and you can interrogate Amy," Jesse suggested.

"Alright. Let's do that," Romeo agreed. Jesse gave him a nod, then the two of them approached the next suspects. 

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3, Episode 2: Friends and FoesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα