chapter 12

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10 years later

I went to med school to become a doctor. A few years after. Ended med school and i started a hospital called Seoul hospital my seven bangtan boys became kpop idols. They debuted in 2013.and its been three years since they debuted.they have grown up to be handsome men. I have went to all of their concerts that I could go to. I made sure to hide myself I didn't want them to get distracted. Jungkook has turned into such a handsome man and he sings like a angel like,taehyung,jimin,and jin do. Namjoon,hobi,and yoongi have become amazing rappers. I'm proud of them. It seems like yesterday they were just children. I'm at work at the hospital like usual. I wore colored scrubs and a white coat.

 I wore colored scrubs and a white coat

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It was a quiet day so I was just standing at the front desk when I got paged to a important case

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It was a quiet day so I was just standing at the front desk when I got paged to a important case. I rushed over there to see what was wrong.I see to nurse around a stretcher."what's the case!?" I asked them"23 years old male name min yoongi collaped." One of the nurses quickly said. Wait yoongi!?I look at the male it was indeed the yoongi i babysat."hurry get him into a room and hooked up to and IV his pressure is low and his heart beat it increasing!" I ordered taking my fingers away  from his throat.they rushed him to a room. The other bangtan boys come rushing in.jungkook saw I was just with Yoong and rushed up to me."is he okay what's wrong!?" He asked frantically."he collapsesed probably from over working and more or likely dehydration and lack of sleep but we will run some test t make sure everything is okay." I said calmly."so he's gonna be okay.?" Jin asked."yes just make sure he doesn't over work him self so hard next time. And like I said we will run tests to make sure it's only that.make sure he gets plenty of rest the next couple days." I said"may we go see him?" Namjoon asked"yes but he will more or likely still be asleep. I will send someone to come check on him every hour." I said."thank docter,?" Tae started "docter, standley" i said.they looked at me with the feeling they knew me but didn't."yes doctor standley thank you." Tae said."anytime thats what doctors are for. And if anything happens call for a nurse and I'll be notified and come as soon as possible." I smiled. They bowed and went to to see yoongi.I sighed and smiled big, it was amazing to see them for the first time in a while.and actually get to talk to them. They don't recognize me. which is kinda sad but oh well I figured that.

Jungkook prov

"hey did um doctor standley seem similar to you guys?"I asked as I swear I could remember her."yeah she does but I can't put my finger on it." Jimin said."she reminds me of my queen." Jin said."yeah she reminds me of Mercedes Noona too. But it can't be." I said."yeah it cant be there is no way!" Taehyung said."I guess we will have to ask for her first name when or if she comes back in here." Namjoon said. We all agreed as we sat there waiting for yoongi to wake up.

End of prov

Some nurses ran up to me."did you run tests for mr.min?" I asked."yes ma'am and it all came back normal nothing is wrong." One said."okay then why are you guys freaking out?" I asked."mr.min is trying to leave and rip his IV out." The other said. My eyes went wide and I booked it to his room.."mr. Min leave your IV in your not ready to go home You  need to rest more." I said entering the room after running to see that everything was fine and e was awake and perfectly calm."wait is everything fine. So why was I told?-" I was interrupted by yoongi."hello cedes noona I've missed you." He said smiling. I froze at that familiar nickname that I haven't heard in forever. I straighted up."mr. Min Do you feel? Do you feel nauseous or sick? Does it hurt any-" I was interrupted again."noona cut the formalities its always been yoonz-ah to you." He smiled at me softly. I sighed"ah you've grown so much yoongi-ah." I said and smiled." You all have grown so much. And you guys are quiet the talk of the town." I said proud."come give me a hug we haven't seen each other in ten years and your acting as if you had just met us." Yoongi said. I smiled and hugged him.I then tapped the back of his head."yoongi-ah when I say work hard and become what you want doesn't mean go days without sleep and over or I g yourself!" I scolded him. The others laughed "noona your the same person we've always knew." Taehyung said."yeah now your just older and way sexier!" Jimin said licking his lips.I rolled my eyes and walked over to jimin" still a pervert I see." I said bluntly. he laughs and pulls me in and goes to my ear."hell yeah I am baby and now I'm older so you can't call me to young Noona.~" he whispered and licked my ears sending shivers down my spine. I pushed him away."be careful little boy Noona has plenty of medicine around here to put your butt to sleep for a couple hours." I said and giggled. He put his hands up giving up."Noona give me a hugggggg!" Jungkook whined. I giggled."awe your still the nine year old I remember." I said and hugged him and kissed him cheek making him blush.I then hung out with them for awhile and caught up with them."so I've seen you at all our concerts. Your even in the front too." Yoongi smirked." Yep guilty as charged. And I'm really proud of you guys." I said kindly.

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