chapter 26

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I want sitting on my couch watching tv when i heard a knock at the door. I went to go open it and saw it was yoongi."what are you doing her yoongi?" I asked."I've come to cheer my loving noona up from her crippling depression." He said and walked in and hugged me. I broke down in his arms"yoongi I didn't mean to I really d-didnt h-" he didn't let me finish and rubbed circles on my back"shh noona calm down shhh I know you didn't mean to. He'll forgive you eventually. So shh let meow meow calm you down." He said softly.I cried Into his neck as he picked me and an walked me up to my room. He set me on my bed and held me close."there's new going around jungkook made someone cry by bumping into them and having their coffee spilt all over them.was that by chance you?" He asked."yes" I said.he held me tighter."did you get hurt?" He asked." The coffee burned a little but the biggest thing that hurt was his cruelty." I said. He kissed my head."I'm going to stay here for a couple of days to help cheer  you up." He said. I nodded."good now let's watch some TV" he said. We watched TV and fell asleep cuddling together.

Week later

I was finally calm since yoongi spent the entire week with me. I felt less alone and I was finally in the right mind set to go back to work.I got dressed after telling yoongi it was fine and that I'm ready to go back. I got there and the hospital was still standing. I said sorry to Angaliena for how i treated her and she forgave me. I went to my office and I had a lot of paper work to do. I did most of it the first day and saved the rest for tomorrow. I went home around 9 and made myself dinner and took a shower and went to sleep.

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