chapter 23

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"No I'm not saying I would. I just wasn't thinking straight when I slept with you. That's all. I'm sorry if that hurts you but its true now leave my god damn house." I said.he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. The anger had disappeared.he looked down "s-so your saying sleeping with my was a mistake!?" He asked. I could hear him sniffle."yes." I said."okay Noona that's all I needed." He said and backed away from me. He had tears streaming down his face."sorry to bother you Noona I'll leave now." He said.I wanted to pull him in and comfort the boy. I felt bad, I did enjoy it but I was scared to admit I could have feeling for someone so much younger than me. He left crying and upset. I was now sad but mostly pissed and I was pissed at myself. "GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled and threw stuff across the room and anything breakable I could find. I continued to throw stuff as I cried. All the stress with work and now jungkook being hurt. I hurt my baby bunny. I used him for sex and left him. I broke his heart.I'm a grown ass woman I should be able to grow up and act like one. I couldn't stay home. So I put on work clothes and left to go back to work. I called one of my trusted maids and told them to clean my house while I was gone. I had broken glass every where. I walked in and Angelina saw me"I thought you were taking a couple days off sunbaenim?" She asked worried."SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET BACK TO WORK.I DIDNT HIRE YOU SO I CAN TELL YOU ALL MY PROBLEMS!" I yelled and went to my office.

Two weeks later.

I then continued to work none stop while drinking coffee at every hour of the day to keep me awake. I did this for a good week not talking to anyone outside of work or letting anyone see me in such a awful state it would not only ruin my reputation but my business as well. I probably looked like the walking dead as I just constantly kept myself busy.Namjoon and some of the others would try to come see only to me sent away with no questions phone kept going off pissing me off so i turned it off and put it in my drawer.

Another week passes

I was doing work and I was running on coffee and one hour of sleep. I cried constantly Evey time I thought of my poor bunny crying.I was doing work like per usual when someone just walked into my office l."HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF FUCKING KNOCKING!" I yelled not looking up to see who it is."no cause your behavior is getting out of control Noona!" A familiar voice said.I looked up to see namjoon."did my Secretary let you up here. I'll call her she is In so mu-" he interrupted me and hung the phone up as a started to call her."no I let myself up here. I her you've been in bad shape and ripping all of your employees heads off for any wrong move. So tell me whats wrong." He said seriously. I looked up at him with puffy eyes making his eyes widen."have you been crying? Why are yo- wait jungkook has been sad too is there something going on between you two?" He asked. I looked away"tell me please." He said."I slept with him and then left him with out word. Then I told him sleeping with him was a mistake and and and now -" I then broke down as I started to think about him.he sighed and pulled me into a hug."Noona do you have feelings for him?" He asked."I don't know I didn't think so till I saw him walk away crying. God I feel like a ass right now." I said."calm down Noona have you locked yourself in your office the past month with little to know sleep working?" He asked. I nodded as I cried " Noona you can't keep going on like this. Go home get some sleep eat real food and calm yourself down. And we will fix this okay?" He said. I nodded."good ow let's lets you home Noona." He I got up and walked out of the hospital. I drove Namjoon home and I went home I ate, I took a shower than I cried myself to sleep.

Namjoon prov

She drove me to my dorm dropping me off.I walked into the dorm and sighing. I plopped down on the couch."what happened with Noona is she okay?" Jimin asked.I shook my head."what's wrong?" Hoseok asked as everyone huddled around me except jungkook.he sat there on his phone ignoring everyone.

he sat there on his phone ignoring everyone

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"She is a mess. She locked herself in her office at the hospital for the past three weeks working continuously surviving on  coffee and a hour of could just see it in her face. It was filled with pain trying to block it with work."I said "oh no what wrong did he tell you why" tae asked."did you manage to get her home?" Jin asked. Jungkook looked up surprised slightly and looked worried as well."yeah I got her to go home. She said it was about jungkook and as soon as she started talking about it she broke down and bawled her eyes out." I said. The members looked at jungkook."what did jungkook do?"  Yoongi asked."apparently they slept together and that morning she left with out word that the reason and also the reason. she didn't allow us to come see her . but what got to her the most was when she Told jungkook it was a mistake that they slept together and saw him cry. She couldn't handle it and started to work constantly to keep her mind off it " I said."what day did this happen ?" Jin asked."the day you successfully talked to her and saw her only half a mess I saw her. After that squabble with jungkook she went straight back to the hospital that day and stayed there for the next three weeks till today." I said. Jungkook stood up and went to his room. "Its not her fault to be honest I understand she did wrong but I get it. She wasn't thinking and she didn't realize till now that it would effect her so bad. She is like me" yoongi said and we all agreed. It was sad but true.

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