Episode 1

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Y/n's POV
"Oof finally!!!" I said as I brought the last box from the truck.
"Here's your money!" I handed the money to the driver who brought my things from Busan to Daegu. This is the cheapest house I could afford. I was not in good terms with my family, so.......I ran away. My mother would always yelled at me at things that I didn't do but my older brother did. My father is always drunk. He always beat me up for money and my mother would just.......smirk. Yes, she would smirk because she loved this. My brother would get whatever he wants even my parents' love and attention. The last time they cared for me was.......uhm...........Yes, I remembered, IN MY DREAMS!!! I had no friends and my relatives barely knew me as My "Parents" would only take my brother in family gathering. I was only allowed to leave the house for work. I saved some money secretly and I searched for the cheapest house and Here I am!! It is kind of an isolated place. There are no houses here, only trees. Thats cool though as there will be no neighbours asking
"Can I get some milk" or "Can I get sugar" they are so annoying.

As the driver drove away, I looked at the house. Woww such a big house in such prices. I'm impressed.

I opened the door and started bringing all the boxes and suitcases with me

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I opened the door and started bringing all the boxes and suitcases with me. There was my books and educational stuff in the boxes which I secretly bought. In all I have 16 Boxes of books. I hope there is a room, where I can keep my books. You must be thinking that I ran away so how can I have so many boxes that had to be carried in a truck. The reason is because none of my "family" were home. They went to the birthday party of one of my aunt whom I don't even know.

After placing all the things, I looked around. Thank god there was something like a library. I went inside and saw a lot of books. I was thinking about putting some of them in another box so that I could make some space for mine. As I was about to put them in the box, I heard..
"Don't you dare touch that !!!" Someone yelled in my ears.
"What the fuck?" I turned around and saw nothing. I was about to continue when I found some space in the corner of the room. I decided to place them there as they were looking beautifully arranged. I placed them there and went to search for a room for me to sleep. After looking around, I found the bathroom, the kitchen, two rooms connected to each other. One was of blue colour and one was of white or chocolate colour. I loved the second room so I hoped on the bed. It was a bit dusty. So I just looked for bedsheets in the closet, they were of matching colour of the rooms. I chose one and changed it. I was so tired that I then went directly to sleep without caring about changing my clothes. I was really tired.

It was past midnight and I woke up by someone singing.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry , I'm sorry ..........." *I don't know the lyrics, just imagine stigma song.*
It was a very deep and angelic voice. The voice had a sadness, sorrow in it. I could feel it but I feel that I know this voice. It is so beautifu----- WAIT WHO IS SINGING!?!?! I AM ALONE IN THE HOUSE PLUS I DON'T HAVE ANY NEIGHBOURS. Did I invite someone . No I didn't, who will I invite and * you check the time on your phone* it is past midnight.

You went downstairs.

"Who is there?"
"Who are you?"
"How did you enter my house?"

Did you really think I would say that. Duhh.... I'm not stupid like the persons in the movies.

So you continued walking quietly when you saw.....

So you continued walking quietly when you saw

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There was a man in the house.
"W-who are you ?" I asked
He swiftly came towards me, his eyes turning all black,his face showing some bruises and wounds starting to appear. The handsome man turned into a ghost like man.
I was staring at him and he said.
"Go away from here!! Don't ever come back." He yelled, his veins popping up on his neck and his voice changing like there were 2 voices, one was a normal voice and the other was a lower in pitch...
I stared at him and I started seeing something. Two person running and playing around. They were laughing and all. My head started aching. I held my head and soon passed out.

Taehyung's POV
As I yelled at her, she started holding her head as if there was pain and she passed out.
She didn't seem to be scared but why did she pass out but i'm 100% sure that by tomorrow she will run away like the others. I cannot bear her presence here. But I carried her bridal style to her room because I am not that bad to punish innocents. I just don't want anyone here. I went back to my room. Yes !!! I know I'm not a human but can't I live like one. I need to sleep. Its not a horror movie like the ghost will stay awake and blah blah blah.... huh......

Y/n's POV
I woke up by the sun rays entering the room through the window. I stretched myself and went down. When I saw the couch, I remembered the incident.
It must have been a nightmare cuz I was still in my room. What a strange nightmare, I got to hear a new song and saw a handsome man which turned into a creepy and frightening one. Woww just wowww. I looked at my phone and saw 54 missed calls and 102 messages from my parents. It only said
"Where are you?"
"Come back home, we need money right now"
"Get your ass here quickly"
"are you ignoring us"
"If you dont come in 5 min, I will beat the shit out of you"
"reply to me ??!??!"

Do they care for me? I hope that nobody gets parents and brothers like that. I won't give them any of my money.NEVER 😒
I hate them so much. I took a bath and went to work. I will eat on my way in a cafeteria or something. Or I forgot to tell you that I also changed my job. Hehe......
I needed to also buy some groceseries as the fridge is empty.

Taehyung's POV
I woke up and started looking around the house. She was finally gone. Woww I made her so scared that she left all her belongings here. I'm so proud of myself. I will never let any human here cuz I want to live here alone..

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