Episode 12

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I woke up in the arms of Taehyung. I went to the mirror, hoping that it was all a dream but no. There it was.. the burnt mark.

What could this possibly mean??

Is it a sign of danger or hope??

I hope not danger because if it is then Taehyung might also be in danger.

Now we are waiting for Jiah to come here as she is the only one who can help us now. We are skipping school today as I said earlier. Suddenly the door slams open. Huh.... who can come in my house without knocking? Of course Jiah...
"So tell me what happened??" She asked as she dropped her bag on the couch and sat next to me.
"Ok so tell me everything in detail." She said
I started explaining to her what happened yesterday. Her mouth was ajar. She was obviously shock to what was happening to me. Anyone would be.
Taehyung stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, watching us talking. Jiah looked at me then at Taehyung then again at me.
"What the hell is happening to you??" She asked.
"I don't know.." I said lowering my head.
"Let me see." She said standing from the couch and coming towards me.
"Holy fuck. It is as if a hot metal had been placed on your skin, like they do for animals like cows. You know." She said.
"Yah!! Do you see me as a cow?!" I yelled at her.
"No no no no." She said as she started running around while I chased her. She climbed up the stairs and went into my room. I followed her. By now I was out of breath. It seemed as if I ran a marathon. I am not an active person so don't judge me. How can she still be running around. This kid is certainly an athlete.
"Aish..." I mumbled.
"What happened? Already tired? Hahahahaha" she laughed as she stopped to look at me.
"Yah!! Wait I will catch you" I said as I started running again. I said.
"Shit." Was the only thing I heard before the chase began again.
After a solid 30 min of running, I finally caught her. I pulled her ear.
"Owwww!!" She winced in pain.
"Repeat what you said and your ear will not be part of your body." I said.
"What the--- owww ok ok. Sorry.. let my ear be in peace please.." she pleaded as I let go of her ear.
"Thank you. Now we will need to find out about that thing." She said pointing towards my mark.
"Yeah.." I said.
We went downstairs and saw Taehyung already sleeping on the couch.
"Taehyung baby.. wake up.." I said.
"Uhmm." He groaned.
"Wake up mah big baby." I said.
"Ewww why are you guys cringy." Jiah said.
"Shut up." We both said in a sinc.
And all of us laughed.
"Lets go to my house. There must be books about the burn mark there. We need to find out what is it about." She said.
"Yeah lets go." I said and we left the house.


"Aish!! I am so tired!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"Yeah!! its been almost an hour since we are searching.." I said.
"Guys we have only been through 1/4 of the books that I have. Do you realise that?!" Jiah said.
Our mouths might have fallen to the ground by how wide our mouth opened in shock.

"Tell me you are joking.." Taehyung said while Jiah moved her head left and right in disagreement.
She went to the corner and opened a door. Both taehyung and I peeked inside the room only to see huge shelves of books.
We looked at each other and gulped.
"Here is all my books.." Jiah smiled acting innocent.
"Bitch what the fuck do you do with all those things!" I asked.
"I always wanted to become a practical witch and tarot reader so I studied about it. But now my interest about it is long gone. Only these books are left." She said.
"Oohhh" I said.
"So lets get back to work?" She said.
We both whined before entering the room.
"Techniques of witches, spell of love, how to be a witch, five elements' witches." I read the book covers.
"Jiah??" I called.
"Yeah!!" She replied across the room.
"What's about the 5 elements witches??" I asked.
"Ohh, these are the witches of, water, fire, earth, air and wind. They are the good witches. Not all witches are evil, there are good witches also like the goldenrose's witches. It depends on the person's mind. All witches were supposed to help the world but when witches like Ricky came, they wanted to rule over the world. Because of them people think that all witches are bad which is not the case. The five element witches are the most powerful. But they say that there is also one witch who has all 5 elements' power. She is known as the secret and mysterious witch. Nobody has seen her or heard of her because we don't know yet if she is real or not."
"But is she good one?" I asked.
"Nobody knows that. If she is a good one then she can save the world from evils but if she is a bad one then she might conquer the world..." she replied.
"So in what category is the goldenrose's witches are??" I asked.
"They are of earth, but there are some who are of different element in that group." She said.
"Then why would a witch have a half human daughter??" Taehyung asked.
"Because she probably married a human." Jiah said rolling her eyes.
"Is that even possible for them to fall in love with a human?" I asked.
"Yes. They are free to love and even marry humans. But there are humans who don't accept their love after knowing their truth which ends up pretty bad." She said.
"What happens?" I aske das curiosity took over me.
"They most likely turn into stones after the rejection and stays like this until they find true love or someone who will accept them for who they are." She said.
"What?! Then why didn't Ricky turn into stone after I rejected her?" Taehyung asked.
"Because this thing applies only on the good witches not the evil one." She said.
"What?! Unbelievable!! Why would the good one suffer and evil one stays free?!" I asked.
"Actually it is not really bad because it helps the good witch to find true love. Often their true love are more attracted to them after the rejection which takes only a few days for them to come to the witch. On the other side, why the evils do not turn into stones is because they are more likely known to not love someone truely and when they do fall in love they suffer from heart breaks which can also lead to them losing their powers." She said.
"Ohhh." Thats a deep thing.
"If the five element witch gets rejection, will she also turn to stone or lose her powers?" I asked.
"No. Thats why she is mysterious. They say that she is the only one who will end this thing of turning into stones or if she is a bad one then she will stop the losing of powers after rejection." She said.
"Ohhh she is so powerful!! I hope she will be a good witch." Taehyung said.
"I hope so too." She said.
"Where can she be then?" I asked.
"Nobody knows. Lets get back to work." Jiah exclaimed.
"Ok!!" We both said.

Its been a long while, without you my friends. I know I posted late. But my exams started and I have 1 more month to go with exams. Oof. Thank you all for understanding my situation. I love you guys so much....

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