Episode 15

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We walked on the streets without Ricky when suddenly Jiah abruptly stopped.
"What happened?" Taehyung asked her.
"Today is Full Moon!" She said face palming herself.
"So what?" I asked.
"This isn't any normal full moon!! Today is the witch's awakening full moon!!" She said.
"And whats that?" He asked.
"Today is the day when the new witches' powers awaken and also where the older witches get powerful. Thats why Ricky went home early because if I remember correctly, in one of the book it said that their whole body will feel like burning as soon as the full moon comes out. I know it is already out but the sun hasn't set yet so when its completely dark and there is only the full moon's light then their body will feel as if they are in fire. And there is only a few minutes left till the sun set and Ricky knew she would get delayed with us so she went first." She explained.
"Ohhh.." I said.
"Wait!! Y/n!! We need to get you home quickly because if you are a witch then you might be getting the feeling and we would not be able to do anything because if any body touch you then we might feel as if we touched fire!!" Jiah said pulling me to the house.
"Lets go quickly!!" Taehyung said.
"Yah!! I am not a witch! Are you listening!?! Yah!! Slow down!!!" I said stumbling sometimes.
"Y/n! Shut up!!" Jiah said unlocking the door and pushed me inside.
"Yah!!" I said
We all waited for the sun to set and when it did nothing happen. They both stared at me to see nothing and sighed in relief.
I stood up from the couch.
"Told ya! I am not a witch!" With that said I went in the kitchen to have a glass of water. I was gulping down the water when suddenly I startec feeling my body heating up. It was unbearable. I felt as if my body was on fire. I droped the glass of water and screamed. Jiah and Taehyung came running to the kitchen to see me in pain.
"Jiah!! What should we do?!" Taehyung said panicking.
"To calm her for a while we need a bathtub filled with cold water!" She said as taehyung went to the bathroom to fill the bathtub.
"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed more falling on the floor.
"Y/n!! Listen to me!! Try taking deep breath!" She said as panick could be heard in her voice too. I tried but nothing changed. I was literally crying. I was in so much pain. Taehyung came saying the bathtub was full but the problem is that how will they get me there. I am like fire right now. I tried to stand up but fell back down.
"We will help you y/n just wait. Both of them came to me and taehyung carried me to the bathroom. His hands were burning because he isn't a total ghost so he is feeling it. Eventhough his hands were burnt, he put me down carefully in the water. Steam were coming from the water as soon as I was put in it. It calmed me a little bit but the water started boiling. Jiah opened the tab and put her hand in the boiling water to remove that thing that stops the water from going. I was feeling cool again as the cold water touched my body again. I let out a sigh of relief. After a solid 30 minutes everything went back to normal. I looked at both Taehyung and Jiah who were patiently waiting for it to end. As I nodded thry extend their hand to help me and I saw how much it was burnt. Even for taehyung!
"Omg! Look at your hands!" I yelled and they looked at it shrugging.
I stood uo by myself as they were hurt and got out to fetch the first aid kit. Suddenly the thought of being a witch crossed my mind and I started thinking what power I had. Thats when I saw the two getting out of the bathroom. I head upstair, grabbed the first aid kit and went downstairs again. As I was going down, I suddenly slipped as I was still soaked to the bones. I watched how my face was going to hit the floor and closed my eyes. But I didn't feel anything. I shot my eyes open only to see taehyung and Jiah standing far from looking looking shocked with wide eyes and mouth open. I looked around me and saw that I was..........FLOATING IN THE AIR!!!!
"I-I am Floating!!" I started panicking which was a wrong choice as I fell down instantly but not too hard.
"Oww..." I rubbed my nose as I sat.
"Omg y/n. Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah." I said.
"Woww you have the air powers! But you lost concentration when panicking and it didn't work, so you fell down." Jiah said.
"I still can't believe I am a witch." I said.
"Neither do we." Taehyung said.
"Try to concentrate again and think hard." Jiah said as I tried.
It worked. I was now flying. I tried to control my directions which resulted in me going up and down, left and right and forward and backwards. I crashed into taehyung who fell down with me in top. Thats when an idea popped up in my mind. I hugged taehyung and concentrated again resulting him to fly with me.
"Y/n!!! Put me down!!! Ahhh! Go right!! Left left left!! Ayyye!! Y/n!! Stop!!! Mommy!!!! Help!!! Jiah!!! She's gone ma---- No go straight!!!! We will crash!! Mayday!!!" He was yelling trying to get down.
Jiah was laughing hard. She was literally rolling on the floor. I looked at Taehyung and signalled him to grab Jiah and he did. He grabbed her arm and she was shocked.
"Ahhh!! No!!!" She screamed.
After minutes of them screaming I put them down.
"It was so fun!! I still can't believe I am a witch and have powers!" I said as they glared at me.
"But y/n....... you can't be an air witch because you don't have the sign we saw in the book. What are you then.
"I don't know--- WAIT!!!!" I yelled.
"What happened?" Taehyung asked.
"You remember the book said that the signs are given by the parents or since birth they have?! And I wasn't controlled by Ricky plus I didn't have the sign from birth which means that the sign was given by my parents!! That means I have parents!!!!" I said excitedly.
"OMG!! I am so happy for you y/n!!" Jiah said.
Taehyung hugged me from behind.
"But we still need to find the goldenrose's witch's half human daughter..." I said.
"Yess and don't worry. We will find her soon." Jiah replied.
"What if we don't find her?" I asked.
"Think positive!" Taehyung said.

"Okay I hope that we find her soon.." I said.

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