Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Have you been watching Under Siege?" Jason asked with a worried lop-sided grin.

"If it works, it works," Logan replied as he slipped his card into the lock. He was glad that his buddy was there to watch his back. Together they had a chance of taking the ship back and saving their girls. He hated that the men had guns, and they didn't, but that just meant they had to be more strategic.

Grabbing a shoe from the closet, he turned it sideways and used it to prop the door ajar, then hid behind it. The next step was on Jason. He knew that the man could handle anything. He'd seen that when they trained together, carrying a soldier on his back for miles back to base. The man had been tired and worn, but he never gave up.

A few minutes later, he heard the telltale bang on the wall per their distraction discussion. That should definitely get their attention. Standing at the ready, he had the knife poised in his hand. They would have to silence him quickly and quietly and pull him into the room to tie him up.

They were too far away to hear anything the guards were saying, but it didn't take long before a pair of boots hitting the carpet came into earshot. Adrenaline surged through his body and he adjusted his grip on the knife, his heart strangely calm. They trained him for these moments like these. Again, he heard Jason bang on the wall, drawing the man ever closer to his door.

As soon as the man walked by the opening, Logan opened it quiet and stepped out behind him. When he took his second step, his boot hit something hard, and it crunched beneath his foot, and he cringed. The man jumped and spun around, but not before Logan rammed the butt end of the knife into the man's temple.

Slipping his hands under the man's armpits, he dragged him into the room and laid him on the bed. After he tied him up, Logan ducked his head back out the door just as Jason looked around the corner. Logan pointed down the hallway and then slowly made his way to the corner where there was only one man left standing.

They'd have to take out the guy as quietly as possible before he alerted whatever men were inside, but that wasn't going to be easy because the door was halfway down another corridor. The only thing he could think of doing was having Jason go down the far hallway, and him down the other.

"Walk up to him casually, like you're trying to find out what's going on," he told Jason. "I'll come up from the other way."

He wasn't exactly sure how they'd go about getting in the room as he was certain there were more guards in there. As they approached, he noticed the employee entrance off to the side. Well, that made it easy. Stopping just shy of the other hallway, he waited until he heard Jason talking to the man.

The name Jason Momoa echoed down the hallway, and Logan stifled a chuckle. That's one way to snag a man's attention. Who didn't know about Aquaman? It was the latest new movie.

"Can I have your autograph?" the guard asked.

Why couldn't he have looked like a celebrity? Just imagine how many freebies he'd get going into restaurants. But, on the other hand, he loved his quiet unobtrusive life. And he liked not having to worry about going outside and getting mobbed by adoring fans.

As they talked about the movie, the guy's guard began to dissipate. Being completely absorbed would make it easier to sneak up on him. Logan looked behind him. Thankfully no one else was wandering the halls, which meant that the assailants were either short-staffed or they were all allocated to other positions within the ship.

Soon, the man's arm with the gun went down to his side, and he seemed at ease with his new companion. That took him by surprise. Maybe the group wasn't quite as professional as he first thought.

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