Part 2

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Pen's POV
Today is the day that I'm going to come out, but I'm going to tell my half brother Emo first because hes my brother, and then Eraser... I'm heading to my house then I get a call from Baseball. Why would he be calling me... I questioned myself but I answered it. "Hello?" "Pen, I need your help now!" He yelled and it felt like he just bloodshot my ears. "You don't have to yell so loud, and what is it?" "Nickel is back..." I stopped and started to shake violently because hes been gone for five years at least. "Are you joking.." "No hes back and I don't know what to do." Baseball sounded like he was freaking out terribly. "Clam down a little bit, and still are you fucking serious!" "DO YOU THINK THAT IM JOKING." "NOW YOU NEED TO STOP YELLING YOU BITCH!" I yelled and a couple of people were staring at me eyes widened, but I'm usually an asshole so I ended the call and continued walking. I got to the house and opened the door and Emo was watching 'Cannibal Holocaust.' And it has been said that it's the top ten most violent movies of all time. "Hey can we talk after your done with your movie?" All he did was put a thumbs up, so I walk to my old room and I brought my notebook that I draw in so I drew in it while I was waiting for my brother. An hour later Emo walks in and I quickly put my stuff away. "Hey pen." He sat down on my bed looking at me with worry in his eyes. I was getting nervous at this point because Emo's life is very questionable, he is obsessed with black and blood and he isn't a party Animal hes more the person who stays at home all day trying to summon satan or something strange or will be watching bad movies or anime like example Genocyber is his favorite. And he hates girls that wear makeup even if it was black or even for a Halloween costume he will unfriend you so fast it wouldn't be funny. "Pen?" I jumped and looked at him. "Sorry I was spacing out." Then I stood up and walked to Emo but made sure that didn't get to close to him because he doesn't like people getting close to him. "I'm-." I hesitated. "Your what, are you nervous?" He stood up and I nodded. Just tell him hes your brother, well your half brother. "I will tell you but I get nervous when I tell people stuff.. Ok I'm gay..." I said breathing violently thinking that he would get mad at me or something but instead he walked to me and hugged me, I hugged back. "Its totally ok bro, just be careful about who you tell it to, just don't tell dad right away got that." As he was saying that his voice got deeper. I nodded and let go and ran out of the house. An hour later I ran into Blocky on the way and he asked me if he could talk to me alone at his house because his parents left him and gave him the house, I nodded and followed him. When we got to the house he had a room that was completely white and it had nothing in it so he brought me into the room and we start talking. Its been an hour later and we ate just standing there and I don't know why but I keep thinking of Eraser and I keep getting redder and redder the more I think of him. "Why are you blushing?" I'm just confused about what I'm thinking of anymore and I blurt out something that I regretted after I said that. "I'm gay and I have a crush on Eraser!" I cover my mouth with both of my hands and blushed in embarrassment. "Your gay?" He said having his evil smile.

I nodded, and he shrugged. "Why are you so worried about that! You know that I'm gay for Snowball." "I know that but I don't know about confessing to Eraser though that I'm gay and, you know telling him that I like him... What is he going to say?" I questioned. "One he might be ok or be very supportive that you are gay or two he might be like Snowball but I highly doubt that, but it is a possibility." I nodded agreeing with him. "I hope not but I'm thinking that I should tell him that I'm gay today but wait for a while before telling him that I like him." Blocky agreed and told me to tell him so I ran to his house and knocked and his brother answered. "Oh hey Pen, let me think you want to see Eraser?" I nodded and he let me inside and I walked to Erasers room. I'm scared in some ways but I don't know how to say it. Whatever I'm going to say it like I did to Emo. I went inside of his room and he was just sitting there playing with his phone and then he looked at me. "Yes Pen?" He sat up straight and then I walked to him and sat next to him. "Ok I'm not going to hesitate this time, but I'm gay..." I said straight forward. Erasers eyes widened and he just stood still for a while... What is he thinking of?" I questioned thinking the worst then he smiled. "Its fine Pen, I'm gay as well, but don't tell anyone." I nodded thinking that today is the luckiest day in the world. Other than our friendship. Then we hangout for hours and then it was 9:00 PM. "Oh shit I have to go bye Eraser." I hugged him before leaving, on the way I get another call from Baseball. Again.. I thought, but I still answered it. "What now?" "Nickel just said that he likes me what should I say?!" "Excuse me what!" I sound like it wa Eraser that confessed to my on the phone for some reason, but he just in my head. "If you like him back tell him that, if you don't just tell him that you don't like him ok." Then he just hanged up out of nowhere. Ok... But I shrugged and then I got to the house and Emo was sitting there at the front porch. "So how did it go?" "It went good actually he accepted it and he told me that he was, you know." He nodded slowly. "Really! Well in like a month maybe ask him to go somewhere, maybe the park. And then after awhile confess to him and see how he reacts." Why is he helping me? He never does this and he usually never goes outside in the morning especially in the afternoon? "Ok why are you helping me?" I questioned, squinting at him. "I just want to help ok." "Why?" I was demanding an answer from him now. "I just want you-. Never mind asshole." And then he just walked into the house. I should of never did that. I thought in regret.. I walk in the house as well and Emo was now watching 'I Spit on Your Grave.' "Why-." "What's it to you." "Bro, I'm sorry, it just you usually never help me with anything." "Its because your the only brother that I know that is not dead." "I know that but you don't know if they are dead." He paused the show and stood up, walking towards me and nods starting to look blue but he keep a straight face. "Thanks for your help and sorry you yelling at you." "Its fine just I just have a personality like Jekyll and Hyde sometimes." I nodded and I ran to my room and lied on my bed... I need to confess sooner or later but Emo gave me an idea...

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