Part 5

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Oj's POV
Today is the day of my party and I invited everyone, except for Toilet, and Tissue Box they will ruin the party with their disgusting... MANNERS!! And I know what your going to say, I thought you hated Balloon?! I did but I compromise with him and he has to be watched by IPad if he wants to go. I've been waiting until I could throw a party and that everyone could come and I mean Everyone! And it took forever to be able to get everyone to go, I mean seven months isn't long to set up a party right and it ain't even a wedding ceremony?! My best friend Paper helped me set up everything and I mean it and of course Shampoo cleaned everything it helped. "Well I thought I would never say this but thank you." I smiled and she gave me a thumbs up then continued washing the dishes. Four hours went by and almost everyone was there other than Snowball and Blocky are running late for some reason... Pen and Eraser as well but those two are usually late or maybe there picking the other two up or maybe alot of traffic of where they live.
Pen's POV
"Those two are going to make us really late if they keep us waiting." Eraser said as I was questioning on what they were doing. Oh my god are they doing it?? That will surprise me if they are?! I thought and I figured that Eraser was thinking the same thing. "How about we go inside and see what's taking them so long." Eraser moved both of his eyebrows three times and I chuckled. We went into the house and just stood there then all of a sudden we hear. "DADDY!!! HARDER!!!." We looked at each other, eyes widened. "Oh my fucking god..." Eraser mumbled as I started to walk to Blocky's room and he followed, we got to his room and I opened the door without knocking and it was what we thought. They stopped and looked at us, mortified but they were under some blankets so Eraser didn't get too grossed out. "Ummm, I can explain." Blocky stuttered as Snowball got off of him completely red in the face. "Why did you call him daddy?" I questioned as they were quiet. "Don't ask please." Blocky said as Eraser looked at me and moved his hand to my face and I opened my wallet and pulled out a fifty and gave him it and he put it in his wallet. "You were in a bet?!" Blocky said still a hot pink in his face. "Yeah but it wasn't for...This... it was for you two were in a relationship because Mr.Pink in the face was acting strange if we mentioned your boyfriend." Eraser said then he laughed, "You two need to get ready or your going to make Mr.Everyone needs to be at the party shut the party early." Ten minutes later they were ready, we went into the car and Eraser put the car in gear and we were going over the speed limit.
Firey's POV
I got to the party fairly early with my girlfriend Leafy and her best friend Pin with her boyfriend slash my arch nemesis Coiny I hated him being around me and he hates me back.
Two hours went by and I saw that Blocky and Snowball just got to the party even though they rode with Pen and Eraser and that they have already been here for forty minutes. I walked up to the two and the first I spotted was that they were red... And of course pink to the face. Something's up... I thought to myself. "Why were you guys in the car for so long you rode with Pen and Eraser correct?" Snowball nodded as Blocky was starting to look nervous, made me suspicious. "Hey, are you ok Blocky?" His eyes widened as Snowball put his hand on mine and whispered. "Me and Blocky are in a relationship and I don't want anyone else finding out ok especially my parents they would kill me." "Oh, the only relationship I knew about that was between the same sex other than Pencil and Match was Trophy and Knife." I whispered back and they were both surprised to hear about that and we looked over to Balloon and he nervously chuckled and ran and IPad followed him. "Must of found that note that Knife wrote about his confession to him." We looked behind us and saw Suitcase eavesdropping on our conversation. "Can you stop?" Snowball growled, Blocky rubbed his back to calm him down. "You know that this room can echo so everyone can hear-." "So you mean that everyone knows about, you know..." Blocky interrupted, embarrassed as Suitcase looked around and everyone was staring us with they're eyes widened. "Ask..." I looked around and spotted Pen's half brother texting probably to his dead mother from a fake texting app, how about no. Then I looked over to, Coiny... I hate him but he is the closest to us. "Maybe shit head over there." I pointed and him and he growled at me knowing that I was referring to him. "Bastard." He mumbled loudly as he started walking towards us and stared and frowned at me, he stood next to Suitcase with his arms folded. "What Firey the asshole." I pointed at Snowball then the bronze coin that's still a virgin raised an eyebrow. "What about him?" Snowball moved closer to him slowly and put his hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear and I couldn't hear him, so I can't tell you what he said. He walked back to Blocky and held his hand. "Yeah I heard but I thought it was a joke but Pin said that she was surprised that Trophy and Knife were together and she didn't hear you whispering to shit face over there." He gave me an evil smile and I walked up to him, pissed off. "Oh you want to challenge me or some shit??" He said in a goofy matter then I slapped him. "Oh shit." Puffball said was staring from the ceiling. "Well I'm calling you out pretty boy..." He said in a cocky tone, and I squinted my eyes at him as he threw a fist at me and I grabbed his arm and threw him backwards and slammed crashing into Knife, they fell down the first time in my life he teared up a bit but quited after Trophy picked him up bridal style then put him down then grabbed Coiny by the throat. "If you fucking touch or hurt him I will kill you this the first and the last warning... GOT THAT!" He said firmly and let him go, Coiny coughed up some blood, something he must of had a tight grip on him that made him do that. "Good job fuck face now I'm on Trophy's bad side thanks to you..." I flipped him off and he growled, in a weird way... The hell?! I told myself as everyone left the circle expect Coiny. "Coiny what's with you..." I walked to him and looked at his face and he looked like he was, crying I looked at his direction and I saw something that made me tear up and feel pain every time a tear feel on my firey body... Leafy was kissing Pin, we looked at each other and he couldn't help it but he screamed something at them that made my eyes widened. "Pin you mother fucking lesbian whore and your slut of a girlfriend you broke our hearts and I hate both of you and firey is crying in tears and it must hurt more than when I cry but we loved you, then you threw our love out the god damn window like we're like baseballs-." "HEY!" Baseball interrupted. "-Shut up! I'm done with you Pin you have cheated on me for the last time and same with you Leafy, we are over with you two lesbians!" I nodded and we walked away.
Coiny's POV (Sorry that his is short)
I sat at the mini version of Gelatin's Steak house and Firey follow I sat down and started balling violently. Few minutes went by then I felt someone's hand rub on my back I looked over and saw Firey, worried but also trying to act disgusted because of course we are known to be enemies. "You ok?" He said as I slowly nodded feeling like I just lost someone because we loved each other very much and we have been dating for a decade and we did everything for each other than I never gave her my virginity, it's to precious to loose. "Hey, Firey how about we start over and be friends again..." I asked him and he was shock at first then half smiled. "Sure why not." I turned around and hugged him.
Leafy's POV
I looked and the two hugging and I look over to Pin. "Mission Accomplished." Her nodded and we fist bumped.

I hope you enjoyed and sorry that Coiny's and Leafys were short but have a good rest of your morning or night :)

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