Part 10

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Coiny's POV
I was at Baseball's house for some reason I forgot why though and I saw Nickel with his eye patch on staring at the TV even though it was off. "You ok?" He turned around and replied. "I'm fine." He walked out of the room as I raised an eyebrow, then I heard someone sit next to me. "Sorry about him, he's still trying to adjust to being in a house you know about what happened with him after getting eliminated with Balloon then he escaped! And wasn't found for a few years and he had been living in the woods since then." He chuckled awkwardly as I turn on my phone and look at the time, 11:00AM three new messages and also new Facebook post by David Draiman, and news posts about a murder corpse found in the river turns out to be someone named Globe. I pressed on my messages one was from Pen about Eraser leaving his phone at my house, the second one was from my Father telling me that I need to see him soon, the third was from Firey yesterday had asked if I was coming over tomorrow morning and it is today and I stand up immediately after reading it and Baseball looked at me in confusion as I look at him. "Gotta see Firey-. "You mean your childhood crush." He rolled his eyes as I frowned at him. "Sure whatever you say." "The reason you bullied him was because you secret had a crush on him and also about your father abusing you in the past about being gay." I hated when he mentions my father's past but it's the truth so I nodded as I heard Nickel come back and he grabbed Baseballs legs and dragged him to their bedroom. "HELP ME NICKELS GONNA RAPE ME!!" I laughed loudly as I walked out of the house to my car. "Well he's going to be sore for the rest of the day." I commented then I hear Baseball yelled. "YOU ASSHOLE OF A COIN!" I got into my car and drove out of the lot and I chuckled pretty much all the way to Starbucks, what I like there coffee, at least I'm not one of those teenage white girls that are obsessed with it... Anyways I got to the drive thru, ordered, paid for my drink and when I was about to grab my order I saw both Pin and Pencil working then they turned around and stared at me, my face immediately became red because no one knew I liked it and I remember someone saying. "If anyone drinks Starbucks and is a guy is gay." I chuckled awkwardly as I say, "I guess I'm gay then." The two burst out laughing as I put my head on the wheel then looked back up. "Let me guess Firey?" Pencil asked as I nodded still very red in the face. "It was so obvious that you guys do, what did you think what mine and Leafy plan was." She covered her mouth as I raised an eyebrow. "Alright me and Leafy were together before we got with you and Firey, we were making a plan about getting you two to be friends again like when you were kids before you had to end it with him because your father forced you after finding out you were gay and though you guys were together but I know how much you don't like to talk about him..." I sighed but something hit me 'How did she know I was gay?!?!' I thought to myself but I ignored it after Pencil said. "You know something your not the only one with a homophobic father, Knife's stepfather kicked him out the house for being one and Snowball has Catholic parents which believe that it's worst then incest for some reason..." Pencil shrugged disgusted as I sighed again feeling stupid that I let someone control my feelings towards others. "Well I'm probably holding the line and I have to go to Firey's house to watch Onward with him." "Ok, make your first move on him man." I smiled then nodded as I drove out I swear I heard Pencil say. "I wish that Barley and Ian were a couple even though there brothers I have found so many smuts between the two and I WANNA SEE THEM FUCKING!!!" My eyes widened as I got on the road mortified on what I heard I looked on my phone and it looked like I had it voice recording and I pressed the square bottom as I smirked. "Time to embarrass Pencil with this." I gave out an evil laugh as I get a call and I answered it without knowing who it was. "Hey Coiny speaking." It was silent for a few seconds before someone spoke. "Hey it's your father, I heard some stuff about you having a crush on your ex best friend is it true?" I immediately wanted to end the call right there but I knew what would happen if I did. "How did you find out?" I rolled my eyes as he snapped "Don't talk to your own father like that! You know how I am with gay people." "I know but some people have different opinions, I don't hate you for being against it just let me be who I am and you be you." I said acting calm as I can but he just gets angrier by the minute. "Ok I'll be me, YOU SHOULDN'T BE A FAGGOT LIKE YOUR OTHER FRIENDS AND I KNOW KNIFE'S STEPFATHER WE ARE GOOD FRIENDS AND WE BOTH AGREE THAT GAYS SHOULD BURN IN HELL BECAUSE SATAN MADE YOU GAY!." "JARED! (Coiny's father's name)." I yelled as he decided to growl for some reason. "FUCK THE COMMUNITY, FUCK YOU, HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL THIS IS THE REASON YOUR MOTHER COMMITED SUICIDE !!!"He had to go there... Then he hanged up as I started to tear up both being upset with him but also because I was mad at myself for being who I am and that I'm such a disappointment towards my father. And well my mother I don't want to talk about it...

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