Chapter One - "Oops."

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(Hello! It's MrsNiallHoran here, and butterfliess didn't have enough muse to write the first chapter so I'm going to! So what you're going to read is written by MrsNiallHoran :3)

 • Niall's POV •

I hate Liam Payne with a burning passion.

 Everything about him just pisses me off. And that stupid 'posse' of his - Harry Styles and, on occasion, Louis Tomlinson. However, Louis was neutral. He was Switzerland, and hung around with both Payne and me.

And Liam hated me, too. We were sworn enemies. My posse and I - which consisted of me, Zayn Malik, and on occasion Mr. Switzerland - all hated both he and Styles. Styles wasn't as bad as him though, and nobody hated Payne as much as me. We had a personal vendetta against each other.

I'm not a mean person, though. I generally get along with everyone. Except Payne. I will never, ever, EVER get along with Payne. But really, high school was my kingdom. I was popular, I had hundreds of friends. I could have any girl (or guy, I'm bisexual by the way) that I wanted. My life was great. Except for the fact that he was in it.

I walked past him with a smirk, bumping into him by 'accident' and shoving him against a locker.

Liam swung around and glared at me, brown eyes burning furiously. "Oh. You." he hissed coldly, narrowing his eyes at me. I narrowed mine back. "What do you want, Horan?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Tommo. Come 'ere." I replied, gesturing at Louis. He frowned and looked between Liam and I, clearly not sure who to go with. When he didn't move, stating his decision, I snorted. "Careful Lou, you'll catch his disease if you stay long enough."

"I wouldn't go, Lou. You might catch his idiocy. I can already feel my brain cells dying just by being in the same country as him." Liam retorted, his eyes hard as they remained on me.

I glared back in pure spite. "What are you even doing in here? I thought you were supposed to leave trash on the curb." 

Liam looked as if he wanted to respond, but his eyes softened slightly. His air of rage disappeared. He looked... Upset? He bit his lower lip, which had begun to quiver. 

I felt a pang of guilt but when I realized that this was Liam Payne - the same guy who, even though I picked on him, terrorized me right back - I broke into laughter. I made him cry? Usually whenever I'd see somebody cry, I'd cry, but this was a new level of hilariousness! It didn't affect me because I hated him that much. "Oh my God! He's crying!" I laughed, slapping a hand down on Zayn's shoulder, who was laughing loudly along with me.

"I-I'm not c-crying." he mumbled even though a tear rolled down his cheek. I laughed even harder, out of breath now. 

Hey, don't look at me like that! If you'd ever heard some of the things that he's said to me, you wouldn't think of me like a bad guy here. He's made my life hell. If we would've started off at the starting, putting in all the things he's done to me, then you would've laughed along because he truly deserves it. If I'm a bully, then he's just as bad as me. I still have bruises from fights with him that were broken up too soon too declare a winner.

"Niall, stop it." Louis said softly, putting an arm around Liam. "I know he's been mean to you too, but making somebody cry isn't funny."

"It is when they deserve it." Zayn replied, shrugging. I nodded in agreement.

"You're siding with the enemy?" I asked in disappointed surprise. I wasn't mad at him though. Lou and I were good friends. We always had been and always would be. "Well, fine. But he does deserve it." I added emotionlessly, glaring at Liam one last time before walking off, Zayn at my side.

The bell rung around ten minutes later and I sat down in my seat in class. Liam glared at me as he walked into the room, recovered from his pathetic crying before. He sat down on the other side of the room. I was glad for it. It was bad enough that we had half of our classes together, but if I had to sit by him? My God, I would shoot myself before I let that happen.

The teacher wasn't in yet. I was just sitting on my seat when out of the blue I felt a rough shove and I fell off my stool and onto the floor, landing hard on my tailbone. 

Liam stood over top of me with a smug grin while the class laughed. I wanted to jump up and smack that grin off his irritating face.


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