Chapter Six - ...Right?

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(by butterfliess)

Chapter Six - ...Right?
// Liam's POV // 

I watched Horan in complete disgust. He was completely unoriginal. I sat in the desk, watching him write- in Sharpie- how much he hated me. See what I mean? Unoriginal. He could have thought of other ways to express how much he despised me. 

I took an eraser from where I'd found the pencil and smirked at him. This was actually part of a plan I had in mind; I knew he'd write in sharpie to put emphasis on his remarks. I wrote in pencil because it can be taken off easily. Sharpie cannot be taken off very easily, basically not at all. He'd get in extra trouble, which I found amusing. He'd just walked freely right into a trap. When I last wrote hateful comments in sharpie on a desk, I had detention. 

It amused me to see him get in trouble, especially when he made up excuses. He might be good at being mean, but he's definitely not the best liar. I would know, being his enemy. 


The next day at school, I watched as Niall was sent to the principal's office for writing on the desk, and laughed lowly to myself. His detention was at lunch, because... well... that's just how we do it here, I guess. We were going to whatever class, learning about Native Americans for the millionth time. I had to sit next to Horan, and he was constantly being annoying and stupid. Nothing unusual.

But what was coming next was even worse... Mr. Darson was subbing for our regular teacher. He didn't particularily like the two of us, he hated us, actually. He was sort of concerned about our problems, though,  and why we hated eachother so much. He was also a school therapist, or whatever they're called, and had suggested we see him many times so we can resolve our differences.

Do you want to know why I hate him? Niall and I actually used to be best friends. A long time ago, that is. Do you know what he did? He stole everyone in my life away from me. He even got my mom to love him so much to the point that she was comparing me to him, always telling me I needed to be more like the Irish boy. He made my life a complete hell, forcing everyone I knew and loved against me.

I don't know what I ever did to deserve hate from him, but he certainly deserved it from me.

Niall nudged me by "accident" in my chair and I almost fell. Again. "Horan, cut it out." I snapped. He smirked and glared back  at me.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" He mocked in a hushed voice. I kept my cool, or tried to, and turned to Mr. Darson. 

"Okay, class, you've been learning about Native Americans for a long time now, as I'm told. And as the end of the lesson, you are to do either an essay or a poster on Native Americans with a partner." I instantly crossed my fingers, praying not to be paired with him. Niall was doing the same. 

"So you'd better be comfortable with who you sit next to, because they're your partner for this project. You have to work together, and if you can't, I can't help you. Work it out." 

I sighed deeply, turning to Niall. 

"Wow, I just love my partner." I sarcastically said. He responded, sarcasm also strong in his voice, "Don't I know it. My partner is the best person on earth... Woohoo. Go me." 

I mumbled, angry. "This is gonna ruin the whole year for me now. Next thing you know, we have to be partners for everything. It's a shame; I actually liked this subject." 

He nodded in agreement. "I know. This was actually a pretty cool class."

Wait... We actually had something in common? Other than we hate eachother? That was new. "Can't I just kill myself now..." I whined under my breath, low enough so he couldn't hear. Even though we had one thing in common, it was ONLY one thing. One simple agreement. 


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