Chapter Eighteen - "Thanks, Niall."

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(by butterfliess)

Liam's POV

I spun around slowly, staring into the sky, holding my head with both hands. I sighed, exhausted, and turned to Niall. My throat was dry and I was indecisive. I didn't want to go home, but I didn't want to run off with Niall. I mean, I did, but I didn't at the same time.

"Niall, that's... sweet... But then we'll be going home together at the same time, the same time. We normally live a long ways away from eachother and don't go the same way. We barely even leave school at the same time. Aren't people going to wonder?"

He bit his lower lip. That's what he did when he was thinking; I learned that over the years. "I guess..." He shrugged, disappoint written all over his face. We took a huge pause, both thinking hard. "We could find a way to keep this hidden. You and I both know that neither of us want to go home. After all... We're the only people left for eachother, right?" He suggested.

I looked downwards. "...I don't want to go home, that's for sure, but... I can't just leave... My dad will send out his friends for me. This'll be the fifth time this month if they catch me, and there will be huge consequences. It's better living there than running off and nearly getting killed. He's come close to killing me three times already. He's thrown plates, glasses, TV remotes, he even threw a chair at me once. Do you know what'd happen if he caught me? I'd be dead."

He again bit his lower lip. "But if we've got eachother, he won't catch you. I'll be there for you, don't worry. I'll have your back, and you'll have mine. Please, Liam. You're late to getting home already, aren't you? Wouldn't you get bea-" He froze. I looked away, staring at the clouds in the sky. "Wouldn't your dad get mad anyways?"

I thought about it one last time and leapt into Niall's arms, giving him a friendly hug. I cried on his shoulder, a little bit out of joy, and a smile swept across my face. "Sure." I sniffled. "Sure, let's run away. We don't need anyone but eachother. Forget our 'posses,' too. We don't need them, we've got eachother."

"That's all I wanted to hear." Niall said sincerely.

We kept close together for a long time, until I pulled away, as it was getting a a little bit awkward. "Thanks, Niall." I said quietly. I pulled back into the hug. "I really appreciate it."

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