Chapter Twenty-Six - "I don't regret it!"

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-Liam's POV-


My eyes were heavy and I had a headache, but I had to stay awake. We hadn't gotten anything done at all; we weren't productive, that was for sure. As I heard Mrs. Knapp speaking - rather loudly, I might add - I was instantly alert. 

My gaze fell downwards and my outlook on everything softened. I couldn't wake him up, but I had to. I shook him softly and he grunted, slapping me on the shoulder. 

"Niall, wake up." I said in a hushed tone. "Class is ending." 

"No it's not, sillyyy...." His voice faded. 

I almost immediately thought of something that would surely get his attention.

"Niall, guess what."

"Wh-" He yawned mid-word. "-at." 

"The cafeteria is next."

Everything went silent. Niall shifted positions and groaned, slapping me. 

"I don't care, Li. I'm tired."

 My eyes actually widened. He didn't want food? Since when? 

"Why don't you care?"

"Because you're lying. French is next. Trust me, I know when the cafeteria is open. It's open after French. Don't lie to me, Li. You can't."

Mrs. Knapp stepped into the little room where we lay and held her hands on her hips. She bent down and picked up our papers, which were completely blank. "You two haven't done anything productive these whole classes!" 

We looked over at eachother, both with somewhat worried expressions. "In our defense, Mrs. Knapp, there's only been two classes."

"That doesn't make a difference. If all you two are going to do is sleep, it seems I'll have to split you up. After all, there's only been two classes, so you won't have much to catch up on." 

"No, Mrs. Knapp, I swear we'll do better." Niall protested.

"Yes, Mrs Knapp. He's right, we've just been having a little bit of problems."

"Don't fight with me." She said and crossed her arms. "You two will be split, and you can't change my mind."

"Mrs. Knapp, please!" Ni continued.

She raised a hand and shook her head. "It's no use, Mr. Horan."

She turned around and we followed her, without our papers, into the classroom. I leaned close to Niall and whispered, "God, she's a bitch."

"Yeah, I know. She's a huge bitch." He agreed. We both laughed at the insult.

"What did you call me?" She spun around.

I stopped laughing instantly. "Um- nothing." I tried to make up an excuse.

"No, Liam." Niall stepped forward. "Do you want to know what we called you?" 

"Yes, please." Mrs. Knapp said, raising her eyebrows. "Do tell. In front of the class."

Niall nodded triumphtantly and stepped to the front of the room, the class staring. "Well," He begun, gesturing to our angry teacher. "Mrs. Knapp, I called you a bitch."

Everyone gasped and her eyes widened deeply. "Niall, you go to the principals office this instant!" She ordered. He shrugged and turned to the door. "You too, Liam." She pushed me forward. 

Before the door closed, Niall peeked back inside and added, "By the way," His lips curled into a grin.  "I don't regret it!"

Never • Say • Never § a Niam Horayne collab fanfic [AU]Where stories live. Discover now