Chapter Four - Hatred for Horan.

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(By butterfliess c:)

• Liam's POV •

I sighed deeply, slouching in the chair. I crossed my arms firmly and looked over at Niall, who seemed to be irritated by this as well. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl that said we would be a cute couple. Seriously? I'd rather turn gay for Slender Man than Horan. I cringed at the thought of being in a relationship with him; it was a horrific thing to think of. 

And now I have to sit next to him. For the whole day. Greeeeeeeeeat. "Gah..." I mumbled. "Can't I just burn myself alive and not have to deal with this idiot anymore..." Niall stopped me from finishing. "Please do. The world would be a better place. My life would surely be heaven." He snorted.

I scoffed briefly and cursed under my breath, not even wanting to finish anymore. I spoke up for a moment, to let him know who was boss. "Didn't your mom ever teach you not to interrupt someone?" I lowered my voice a bit. "Self-centered bastard..." I snatched a pencil from the ground and started writing down how much I hate him on the desk, curse words and all, explaining how much of an ignorant person he was.

Niall looked over at me, fake sadness on his face. "Yeah, she did, but you're an exception." He laughed lowly, watching me write. I looked up at him with pure anger; I was pretty tempted to knock him out then and there, but decided a nice comeback would suffice.

"You know, I'd slap you right now, but where I live, we don't hit girls." I leaned back, satisfied with the blank look on his face. "You're such a douche. I'd slap you right back, but I was taught to control myself, unlike you. " He responded. I laughed at his pathetic comeback.

"Please, don't flatter yourself."

With that, I continued writing on the desk. I knew I'd have to clean it up later, but it didn't matter. My handwriting got rougher and I started to draw, in all capitals. 

Hatred for Horan, Hatred for Horan, Hatred for Horan... 

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