Chapter Eight - Getting Along?

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(written by butterfliess)

• Liam's POV •

"Poster." I suggested, adding on, "I'm better at posters, and- no offense- god knows your essays aren't even legible." I laughed, and to my surprise, he did too.

"Yeah." He actually... smiled? "But yours aren't either." Wait... Were we actually getting along? Horan and I? That's crazy. This has like, never happened before. Ever since we basically started ruining each other's lives, it was constant fighting. It was never this calm.

Mr. Darson peeked outside the room and we both whirled around. He gave us a thumbs up. "Good job. You're actually getting along!" Well he actually squealed like a little girl getting a pony. 

Horan looked back at me, wide-eyed, with a horrified expression. It faded and he quickly asked Mr. Darson for poster paper before he went into the room. The teacher nodded. 

"I'm surprised I haven't killed you yet." He laughed, hands shaking. What got him so nervous all of a sudden? My lips parted but I didn't speak. "Um... Yeah, same."

The teacher saved us from the following awkward silence and brought out the poster paper, a piece of lined paper, and a piece of blank paper. He leaned down and explained everything.

"Poster last, okay? Use the blank paper to make a rough draft of what it's gonna look like. Use the lined paper to make a rough draft of what you're gonna say. Lined paper, blank paper, poster. Got it? You've got a long time to work on this, so don't rush." He explained rather fast.

I nodded and watched as Horan mimicked my movements. "Yep." I said as he disappeared back in the classroom. 

"So, Payne-" He stopped. "I mean... Liam. Should I write what we're gonna say, or should you?" He asked. So many questions. Wait- he was calling me by my first name? This definitely wasn't normal. 

"What's up with you calling me by my first name?" I questioned, curiously adding, "I'll write. My writing is neater than yours, at least."

He shrugged. "People who..." He paused again. "Get Along... Don't call each other by their last names. This is gonna count for  a lot of our final grade, so we at least have to try and get along. And as I said, people who get along don't call each other by their last names."

I narrowed my eyes. "Okay, I'll take your word on this-" He was actually being civil. For the first time in his life. "Niall."

We exchanged smiles. Smiles? Seriously, Liam? It was always frowns and glares full of hatred. But he just sat opposite of me and beamed somewhat cheerfully (since when was he so cheery?). I don't think I can handle getting along with Hor- Niall again. 

I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him and how happy he could be.

He might not be a worthless, annoying jerk after all.  

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