Making Friends, Thank You Ducks!

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"Kiri, how do you know about Replica?" Chika asked, still overwhelmed but maintained a little composure, I stammered, "I... I... I'm not sure if I should tell you all..." Yuma eyed me and then asked, "Replica, how do you know her?" Then Yuma looked like he was talking to the ring,'That must be a Black Trigger then...' I thought to myself. He then nodded and looked up with the duck face, I snickered again behind my hand, "Kirino brought Replica back and repaired him, that proves that Kirino, you are a neighbour from Aftokrator." He calmly stated, Natsume and Chika looked at me, but then what happened was what I didn't expect, "How did you come here?" Chika asked, "W-Well, I... I used my own Trion to open a mini portal to come here and back, like activating a gate..." I looked away while playing with my thumbs out of nervousness. When I looked back, I saw Chika holding my hand smiling, "Well, it's okay, we've met neighbours before, in fact, Yuma's one from Karwaria!" I was shocked and I turned to see the duck-faced neighbour waving. Then I didn't think anymore, but I think I regarded them as friends, and then I bursted out laughing. Osamu, Chika and Natsume was sweatdropping. 

"Kiri, you find Yuma's face so funny?" Natsume asked, I laughed, "Of course!!! If someone were to explain what a duck was to a neighbour, they'd probably use Yuma as a representation and it would turn out into something like this: 'Guys I made a discovery! If you poke a duck it runs away!' 'What is a duck?' 'Kuga's a duck' 'So are you saying you poked Kuga and he ran away?' 'NO! AS IN QUACK QUACK!' 'So you poked Kuga and he ran away saying Quack Quack?' Or something like that!" I chuckled under my breath while holding my already hurting stomach, I looked up to see Chika and Natsume laughing and giggling as well, while Yuma was acting like he was hurt while Osamu was sweatdropping. "So, let me just introduce myself again, I'm Kirino Matsukaze, but you can call me Kiri!" I greeted Osamu and Yuma, they both smiled, "Osamu Mikumo, pleasure to meet you." "Yuma, Kuga Yuma." Then we kept on eating our lunches, "So! Who are your parents, Kiri?" Natsume asked, Chika added "Do you have any siblings?" I looked at them smiling while I was actually in apin, "I have parents and I do have a sister.... though..." I looked away and trailed off, Chika asked with confusion, "What happened to your parents? A-and sibling?" I avoided eye contact, "I-It's nothing." Yuma looked at me and I swore for a second there, that Yuma's pupils turned black! "You make up the stupidest lies." He smirked, I looked at him and then it hit me, 'Must be a Side Effect...'  I smiled, "But really, I can't tell you, or more of, I don't wanna tell you." He then looked at me, "True."

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