Health Day Check And Tamakoma Branch

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"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" I wailed while slidding off of the table with spaghetti noddle arms, Chika and Natsume looked at me as if I was crazy, "What's so wrong with the School Health Checkup?" Natsume asked, I looked at her as if SHE was the crazy one here. "I don't like it when I find out about my height because as you can see my bones are not functioning because of a stupid injection accident that made my body not able to process my bones." CHika hugged me and patted my head, I felt so much better, "You're an angel Chi-chan." I sighed, "Unlike Na-cchi." Natsume pretended to be struck by an arrow of mean words, "Uh! Agh! Noooo!" And pretended to slump on the ground as if she were dead. "Na-cchi you're so funny!" I was laughing and Natsume just looked up, smiled and pointed a thumbs up. "Made ya laugh, Kiri!" She shouted in pride. "Class! Line up! You're going to the checkup!" The teacher announced, "Nooooooooo." I wailed, but Natsume and Chika gave a pleading glance, making me have to. "Kirino Matsukaze!" My name was called, GREAT. 'Don't be like that Kiri. It's for your own good.' Yes, Koro. Like you know my pain. I walked up and got my measurements, I was shocked at the results.

"139.8 cm?!?!? You're even shorter then Yuma!" Chika and Natsume exclaimed, "Other than the fact that my weight hasn't even budged, which is good, and that my muscles are strong. Then it was a complete disaster." I groaned face-first on the table, RRRRIIIIINNNNGGG! I yelped at held my head and ducked down. "By the way, I need to tell you guys something." Chika and Natsume looked at me while we went up to the rooftop to the daily lunchtime meals with Osamu and Yuma. "My other half, Koro. She can come out while I have my Black Trigger on or when in a fight she gerts excited, so do me a favour and try to calm her down afterwards when the fight is over?" Natsume asked like the little brain she had, "Who's Koro again?" Chika sighed, "Her sisters, side effect. Other Side." Natsume then clapped in realization, "Ooohhhh!" 

"So! How did your checkup go?" Osamu asked, I replied with a groan, slumping my shoulders, "139.8 cm. You guys?" I looked up at them, "140 cm here." Chika replied, UGH! A arrow stabbed me, "145 cm." Natsume replied, another arrow. (Im sorry, I made Natsume's height up. Don't sue me please!) "168 cm." Osamu finally replied, another arrow, "...141 cm." Yuma replied, That's it. The final straw, I acted as if my dignity was hurt. Yuma duckfaced, Osamu, Natsume and Chika sweatdropped. "Anyways, we heard from Chief Rindo that we had to bring you back to the Tamakoma Branch." Osamu kneeled and looked at, serious. I was shocked, "How did they-" Osamu cut me off, "They did a visual scan and managed to get your data. They let Tamakoma handle it. Don't worry, they won't bite." He smiled, "... You're too kind. One in a million." I muttered. After school, we headed off to the Tamakoma Branch, "Oh! This was the place near the river that I found Replica's other half!" I perked up, when we got to a building with the Border lable, Osamu opened the door and we found a helmet boy riding a Capybara in the doorway.

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