Welcome to the Tamakoma Branch!

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"Okay! We're going to have to assign you a spot!" Shiori clapped, but in the corner of my eye I saw a guy with a hoodie standing a near he doorway, "Um, may I ask who's he?" I asked, pointing to the hoodied figure, Shiori answered, "That's Hyuse, a member of Tamakoma. He's a neighbour too you see..." I looked at him, "Hyuse-san? I heard you were left behind since the invasion." I tilted my head and then he was shocked, but then kept back the cool deamenor, "Oh, Matsukaze. Where's Shiro?" He asked, I shook my head in sadness, he seemed to get the meaning and kept his mouth shut. "Anyways! I'll be asking you a series of questions, do you mind?" Shiori snapped me out of it, I nodded. "Well, first off. Are you good in team sports?" I shook my head, no. "Okay, Are you good in sports and physical activities?" I nodded, sure of my abilities. 

"Next up, do you ever play Shogi or Chess?" I took my time and then, "Weell, I have played Chess but I barely ever win." Shiori nodded and then asked, "Grades at school?" I thought again and then spoke, "My grades are average." Shiori asked one final question, "Are you confident in your abilites?" I was surprised, "W-Well, I-I don't know." Shiori then nodded and tapped the marker on the whiteboard in fornt of us. "Well! You're answer is Attacker!" I looked at her and smiled, 'This is a lot like the tests you take in order to know what suits you and stuff.' Koro thought, I nodded. "And therefore you will be tutored... by... uh..." Shiori trailed off. I shooked my hands and arms frantically, "It's not needed! I can do it myself! It's fine!" Then Karasuma-senpai spoke up.

"How about play a match against me and then Konami?" He asked, I stuttered, "W-Well, Y-you all were part of this organization before m-me, s-so you w-would... but you know what. That's actully a pretty good idea." I stopped and muttered. Shiori nodded in agreement, "Ok! Let's do this! Oh wait! Almost forgot! Do you intend on using your Black Trigger or Normal Trigger that Border supplies you with?" Shue turned towards me, "I'd like the normal trigger please, if I'm going to join I'd better get the use of handling Border's triggers." Shiori nodded and then gave me a choice, "There's Scorpion, Raygust and Kogetsu. Each of them are labelled. Scorpion is light and quick but it's durability isn't that great. Kogetsu is most used since it is balanced between the two, and Raygust is the least used since it is heavy but It's durability is the highest." I took in all of the information and glanced at the triggers. "I'll just switch between them and see which one clicks the most. Shiori nodded and set up the room fo the battle. 

"You're really good if I do say so myself." Konami sighed and streched on the sofa, "Why, thank you very much Konami-senpai." Karasuma recounted the amount of wins I had between me and him, "6 wins against me and 5 wins against Konami. Impressive." Osamu even added, "Not even Yujma has racked up that many wins against Konami! He's only at four wins currently. As for me... Zero." I chuckled, "Don't worry, you'll win at least once Osamu." I smiled, then I went out to get some fresh air, "...Maybe I should make some Dorayaki." Then I headed off to the shop to buy some of the ingredients and stopped by a nearby phone booth to phone Mirai, telling her I would be staying over for the night at my friends' house. Which was partially true since I regarded them as friends.When I got to the tamakom Branch Base and informed them that I wwas staying over, I set the ingredients on the kitchen table and got to work. I fyou're wondering how i know how to make Dorayaki then I made some with Mirai before.

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