Trouble Ahead

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"Kirino, we have to get to the basement just in case, right now." Mirai panted while slamming my door open, waking a sleeping me up, "Let me guess, since we snuck away from Aftokrator, they sent Trion Soldiers to capture us back and also getting more Trion, right?" I asked with the tone: as-a-matter-of-factly. Mirai nodded, "Wouldn't bashing them just be easier?!"  I grumpily asked, "Don't they know everyone needs a good 8 hours of sleep huh?!" And before Mirai could stop me I jumped out of the window in fury and rage but most of all, drowsy. "Trigger On!" I shouted while running, a small black hurricane enveloped me and I changed into a black suit with a mask with my white hair longer and tied into long twintails, then I jumped up and jumped on the rooftops. I got to the site and saw some Border agents surrounding the two Bamsters. 

'Hey Koro? Let's teach those War-crazy buffoons to not DISRUPT OUR SLEEP!!!'  I sent a message to Koro since she was the one in control of my physical body right now, I'm just the other consiousness in her head, "On it." She replied, Koro's personality is cold and calm when facing in a battle or people she dislikes, but when she likes someone or when she's not fighting, she would be pretty open and be hot-temepered but she was kind and the big-sister type. When we perched on the rooftop, as expected, they noticed us and lunged for it. "Dagger." Koro muttered, and multiple daggeres appeared in the middle of her fingers and then she threw them at their eyes, that immediatley caught the agents' attention, "Sword." She muttered, and a sword appeared in her hand and she jumped off and appeared behind the Bamsters in a matter of seconds.

When the bamsters fell and dissastipated, Koro turned to the Border agents, one had sienna brown eyes, one was holding a spear and had spiky hair, one was probably a sniper and he has a pair of green glasses, when I saw the other guy, he looked considerably similar but taller, Koro took off her mask and coldly told them, "Seriously, you agents are so slow." Then, when looking back, we saw them trying to catch up to her, when we got away from the Restriced Zone, they stopped chasing us, when we got the house, Mirai was waiting. "Oh, Kiri." She walked over to me, "Trigger Off." I muttered and got control of my body again and went back to sleep, "Not a hour too little." I muttered to myself and slept.

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