Galapoula's Invasion

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When I went to the Border HQ, I saw that the alarm was beeping and multiple gates opened. 'WHAT THE?!' I thought, Koro traced the power back. 'It's Galapoula.' Koro stated, I nodded, "ALL OFFICAL BORDER AGENTS PLEASE EVACUATE NEARBY CITIZENS AND FIGHT OFF THE NEIGHBOURS! C-RANKS, PRIORITIZE EVACUATION OF NEARBY CITIZENS AND BRING THEM TO A SAFE PLACE! I REPEAT..." The loudspeaker boomed, I held my ears, and when I was sure the noise was gone, I went out to help the other C-Ranks evacuate the vicinity. "Chika! Osamu! Yuma! Where are you guys?!" I spoke in the mini- replica. "I'm battling some rabits with Yuma right now, you guys?" Osamu replied, "I'm evacuating the other citizens with Natsume, Kirino?" Chika spoke, "I'm heading over to help with the evacuation!" I replied. I saw a crowd of people and some C-Ranks in them and Border Agents trying to evacuate them all. I saw a Marmod and sliced it in two, then I headed over and chopped another Bamster. Then I caught sight of Chika and Natsume, "Chi-chan! Na-cchi!" I shouted, waving. Chika and Natsume noticed and waved back and we managed to calm the citizens down and get them to evacuate quickly.

Then, I saw a neighbour looming over us. "Hello, earthlings." It spoke and pounced to attack us. I stopped it in time with my Kogetsu and nodded for everyone to keep on going. They kept on evacuating smoothly while the neighbour jumped back, "Matsukaze Kirino, wasn't it? The ace of the front lines fo Aftokrator. Not expecting you here." She spoke, "I'm Sienna. One of the commanders of the Galapoula army." I poker faced, "Does his face look like I CARE?!" I pounced onto the caught-off-guard neighbour and landed a shallow slice, "Well, I see you've got some skill, but why don't we use your Black Trigger instead?" Sienna mocked, "No." I rejected and kept on hitting her while Sienna keot dodging. 'This is getting nowhere!' I thought, realizing. 'Then how about...THIS!'  I dived down and used grasshopper to jump up sharply. Sienna managed to dodge in time unfortunatley, 'Kirino, look, we have to.' Koro confirmed, I squeezed my eyes shut, but soon gave up. "Trigger Off." I spoke, then I held onto my bracelet and spoke, "Trigger On!" I shouted and immediatley I got into my assasin suit with my white hair into twintails.

"Le's do this." Koro muttered and jumped up. "Katana!" And a pair of katana's appeared and we slashed at Sienna, she blocked it with her giant sword. She retracted it and then swung it at me. I jumped and landed on the blade and ran towards her and jumped up to slice her in from the head. But she saved it, I could see that she had to finish this battle quickly or else her Trion Body would soon dissapear and her body would be vulnerable. "Meteora!" Koro shouted and used her Trion to form Meteora and surrounded Sienna with them. Then it exploded and I saw a wounded Sienna retreating. "As expected of the Aftokrator's ace..." And she dissapeared. 

When I was jumping back to the crowd since Sienna's battle took me elsewhere, I saw Kazama Unit, and a bunch of other A-rank Unit's fighting with the neighbours and Trion Soldiers and protecting the citizens. '"They're not bothering to calm them down?! Don't they know that's easier?" Koro asked, 'Either lack of time or don't know.' I stated. Koro shook her head. "Welp, at least we know what Border HQ did teach and what Border HQ didn't teach then. This is one of the didn't teach stuff." But a sword came out of nowhere but Koro dodged in time. She looked up to catch a glimpse of a shadow running off elsewhere, 'Hey!-' I shouted, but Koro shook her head. "No. We shouldn't waste our time, we still have to evacuate the others." I hesitated but nodded anyways. 'Fine. But the next time if we don't have anyhign in our way I think we should investigate more about that identity.' I thought. Koro nodded, "Well, we have his sword, let's take it with us to analyze when we get back, ok?" SHe asked, I nodded, 'Yeah.'

I went back to see that only half of the people were still there. "Good, everyone's calm. We have to keep them like that until backup comes. Let's go!" I explained the situation to Chika and Natsume and they both nodded and went with the flow and so did I when B-Ranks and A-Ranks started evacuating everybody. Probably because the only things left to deal with are the Trion Soldiers and all the neighbours retreated. When everythign was dealt with, I saw a wounded Osamu not in his Trion Form limping and Yuma helping him. "I presume everything went smoothly?" I asked, Osamu nodded and Yuma duckfaced, "This was better then last time since Osamu went into a coma because of his carelessness." I looked at Osamu with the that-isn't-true-is-it? Face. He nodded in confirmation. I sighed and facepalmed, "Anyways, since it's over, I think it's best if we go back to the Tamakoma Branch and deal with injuries and take precautions just in case if they left anything." Osamu stated, everyone nodded, while Koro just muttered, "Trigger Off." Then I held the sword.

"What's that?" Chika asked, I still looked at the sword whilst answering, "It was one fo their weapons I managed to take." Chika looked at it, "We should tell this to the Chief." I concluded, "I'll come with you." Chika offered, "Thanks." I replied. While we were walking down the hallway, I saw some of the Border agents were injured. i looked at them with pitying eyes. "Sometimes I wonder why Rinji and my friend had to be taken because of me." Chika questioned while looking at them, "You're brother and friend got abducted?" I asked, curious, "Yeah." She answred, "Oh- I'm sorry Chi-chan I didn't mean-" I got cut off, "Don't worry about it." I looked at Chika, "Chi-chan you're too  nice." I stated, when we saw Chief Rindo, I walked over to him, "Chief, I think I have something you'd be interested in." I handed him the Sword Trigger. He spitted his coffee, "S-So they've  kept on making the Black Trigger's eh?" He looked at the Sword with troublesome eyes, "I'll tell this to HQ. Thanks for bringing it to me." I nodded, "It's fine. Now Chika, wanna grab something to eat?" I asked, "But what about-" I shushed her, "Don't worry! We've done our stuff, it's fine." And Chika nodded, we went to the Cafeteria to see many people eating. When we got our food, we sat on a table and sat and talked about some fun topics and went back tot he Tamakoma Branch with Yuma and Osamu with Jin.

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