Tamakoma's Elite

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"Hello, Yotaro." Osamu waved, the boy, who I presume is Yotaro, waved and rode off on the capybara.  We entered the cozy looking base, and this is what I- we saw, A strawberry blonde haired girl hitting a messy black-haired guy eating a Dorayaki, a buffy man and a glasses girl, working on the computer. They all looked at the agents and put their eyes on me, I was startled and hid behind Chika as Natsume went to the Border HQ since she was in that factor. I looked at them with tears at the corner of my eyes and my white hair was dangling down from my sideways look from behind Chika's back. She petted my head and gave me the you-don't-have-to-be-scared look, then I stepped out from behind Chika and bowed my head, "I'm Kirino Matsukaze, v-very nice to meet you uh- ummm..." I trailed off, the glasses girl introduced everyone, "Hello Kirino-chan! I'm Shiori Usami! That strawberry blond haired girl is Kirie Konami, the scruffy hotty is Kyousuke Karasuma and the composed beefcake over there is Kizaki Reiji!" She made the jazz hands and introduced the older elite's. Osamu sweatdropped, "Why do you keep calling Karasuma-senpai and Reiji-san as scruffy hottie and composed beefcake? And dos that even mean Reiji-san is a human?" I muffled my laughter so no one would hear me, "And I'm Yotaro Rindo! Child in residence. Nice to meet you Kirino!" The helmet boy appeared behind me.

"Oh! Is she the neighbour girl HQ entrusted to us?" A guy with blue sunglasses appeared behind me and i jumped, out of reflexes I kicked him, but he dodged, "Side Effect, eh?" I asked, looking up at him, he was eating rice crackers, he replied, "Ding ding ding! It's to read the future!" I looked at him, expecting for a introduction, "I'm Yuichi Jin! Tamakoma Elite Jin! Nice to meet you Kirino!" I was surprised, "Data Info or your Side Effect?" I asked, "Both." Jin answered, I looked at him and then smirked, he smriked as well and we gave each other a fist bump. Chika and Osamu breathed a sigh of relief seeing I was getting along with the members.

 "Anyways! What do you plan on doing to me?" I asked, curious. "Isn't it kinda obvious? We are going to ask you to join Border." Jin perked up, I looked at him, "I- I don't know..." I looked away, uncertain. I knew that on one hand I wanted to protect Mirai and on the other hand I knew if I didn't join Border they would track us down and who knows what will happen? So, I made the most logical answer. "Nope." I smiled and turned to everyone, they all gasped, "I'm just kidding! Fine! But in one condition: My mother doesn't get involved." I reassured them all and they sighed in relief. After filling some papers, Chika smiled and glomped me, "Welcome to th Tamakoma Branch Kiri!" I smiled, "Hai!"

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