Chapter 13

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Ok.. Well you guys know about Leo,Andrew and Rachael.. Well when my Biological Mom and Dad were ki-killed in the car crash it made my Depression worst. (Crying) S-she kept on pushing me, over and over.. Everyday that want by she made it EVEN worst.. Its got to the point w-were I wanted to die.. (Playing with my hands) when I look at myself, I wanted to end all me pain. (Boys start to cry) i-i started to cut.. At first it was just bc I wanted to die.. It wasn't working.. So I did it so I could forget the pain they put me though and only forces on the pain of the cut... I-i tryed to stop but I co-couldn't.. (Shows her arm) I did this.. The Day I come back from school, you guys were at the studio... So I cut myself that day.. Then Zach saw my bruises and well we all know what happened after that...

C-how many times?

What do you mean?

C-how many times did you cut yourself that night?

6-6 times

Ja- wh-what

D- s-she made you do this (holding my hand) we well help you through this no matter what...

Jo-why 6

O-one for each thing that has hurt me or..

Z-or what??

Or when I get too happy, BC then I remember it all well come to an end...

Jo-so you cut BC of us..

D-who were the cuts for

1.Rachael 2.Andrew 3.Leo (ex)4. Mom

Jo-what's the 6th one for?

That is not important

C-(yelling) Brianna who was 6th one for??

Ch-stop yelling Corbyn

C-sorry(hold my hand)

Its ok...T-the 6th one was be-because i-i got to happy wi-with you guys... I'm so sorry



D-we thought you were happy

THAT'S THE PROBLEM!! sorry for yelling.. Every time(play with fingers) something good happens to me it- it gets ruined. Im- I'm sick and tried of being pushed around, I tried of feeling worthless.. I'm done with people making me feel like shit! When people find out about my past they start feeling sorry. And I'm done with that. I'm done with Leo I'm done with Andrew and I'm done with Rachael. I'm done with them calling me names.. I'm done being called a Hoe,Slut,Bitch,and more. But for most of all im done with people saying they are going to be there, and that they well always love me.I'm over it.

C-Bri you are none of those things-

Ch-and we do love you

That's what you say now. Into something bad happen and you well leave.. Just like Leo just like me Mom and Dad. They were in that crash because I was out with some friends. They left me at my friends house BC they could even look at me after what I did. Everyone leaves at some point

Z- we love you Bri. If we didn't we wouldn't be here right now. And we want leave.

Jo-we will fight, we will say things we don't mean, but by the end of the day, we will come back to each other

C-Because we are a family

D-And you are apart of this Crazy family.

Ch-We are one Big Crazy Family!

Ja-We love you Brianna.

I love you guys too (Group hug)

Jo-we do have a little problem...


Jo-Logans Vlog!

D-oh shit!

Ch- when are you guys going to tell?

C- tomorrow?


Sure why not!

618 words!
Sorry that its so short.
Have a nice Day/After noon/Night


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