Chapter 17

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Z-what! Oh.... Yeah she does

Thanks Zach

Ch- Bri can we talk


(Outside) what's up Mom

Ch-ok well you know I leaving later


Ch-Do you want to spend so time together just us two?

I would love to!(hugs) I have a question

Ch-whats up?

What where you guys talking about?

Ch-zach needed to talk

Why didn't he just come to me?

Ch- just give Zach some time. When he is ready he well tell you

Okay thanks

Ch-now let's GOOO (running into the house) BYEEEE BOYS (running to the car)

Jo-where are you going?

(Laughing) we are going out. We will be back in a few.

C-Is your mom ok

Idk she's your girlfriend (laughing)

C- true


COMING! Bye boys

All- bye

*Skip to mall*

Ch- ok what store do you want to go to?

Idk u?

Ch-whats so you need?


Ch- then let's go

*Skip to 12pm(cuz I'm lazy)*

Ch-lets go home


*End of POV*

*Zachs POV*


COMING! Bye boys

All- bye

D- ok they are gone. What are you going to do Zach? Are you going to tell her?

Idk what I want to.

Jo-then what is stopping u?

That she well think I'm to weak

C-bro she would never! She lo-... she is not like that

What were you going to say, before you stopped yourself

C- nothing

Ja-i know(Bean hits him) be quite!

D-were are you taking her?

I was thinking to take her..

Sorry that it's so short. I'm in Mexico right now. Cool right! Anyway I don't know when I'm posting. I have a lot going on. I well be in Mexico this month and I got a new phone. I well try. Sorry


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