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A few days at the Winchester bunker takes a lot of a person. I'd never seen so much testosterone in one place. I made a sound of disgust when I opened their fridge. Old leftovers and beer. I don't think anything was less than 2 weeks old. " What?" Dean said while nursing a coffee.

" How do you people live like this?" I took things out of the fridge, " Have you ever cleaned?"

" Why clean? We're on the road anyway."

I rolled my eyes, " Gross."

" You're very judgy for a witch."

" You're very annoying. Just in general."

I swear he almost smiled, " I do my best."

" Guys! I have something."

Sam came into the kitchen with his laptop, " Bodies. Internally burned, but perfectly fine on the outside."

" Demons." Dean and I said at the same time.

I read the laptop, " This is the last place Jim and I saw Lucifer before you guys killed him. We were following a case in Oklahoma, that's when, well. God ended the world."

" That's peachy." Dean said.

" What the hell are we waiting for then?"

Sam stopped me, " We have to think about this first. What God, I mean... Chuck released. It's everywhere."

" And I can do a lot of bad things to demons."

I said, " You're forgetting what I am. And I'm pretty good at it."

" Good enough to kill a bunch of demons body hopping?"

I nodded. Dean put his cup down, " The hell do we have to lose? I'll pack the car."


Oklahoma wasn't a bad drive. We really saw the affects of God, or Chuck opening the pits of hell. The town was quiet, almost scared to look at newcomers. I got out of the car, Dean standing next to me, " Can you tell who's who?"

I looked at the nervous citizens, all of them with their heads down, not looking at one another. " I'd have to do a quick spell to be able to see them."

" What do you need?"

" Blood of someone who's been possessed by a being of hell."

Sam and Dean looked at each other, sighing, " You've got two of us." Sam said.

" Great," I said sarcastically, " Let's get inside somewhere and get cooking."

This was an easy spell. Sam offered his blood since Dean wanted no part of it. I took my purse from the back of the car, pulling out bottles and bags. " What is all that?" Dean asked.

I held up a bag of white powder, " Dried and ground up human skin. Calm down, he was a sex trafficker. I didn't grind up an innocent."

" You're telling me Jim was okay with that!?"

I shrugged, " Jim watched that man kill a little girl. What I did to him was better than what he would have done."

Dean didn't argue anymore. Luckily for them I wasn't using that. Just some anointing oil, blackberry, and other plants that are generally for repelling demons. But when mixed with each other and blood, you could find the nasties. " Give me your hand." I said.

Sam warily held it to me, barely flinching as I cut his thumb. I didn't need a lot, just enough to mix into a nasty little liquid. I mumbled the spell to myself, and with a snap of my fingers, a burst of flame, it was done. I picked the bowl up, Dean yelling when I brought it to my mouth, " What the hell are you doing!?"

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