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A little spell had me back on my feet, feeling so much better. Wiccans knew what was up, all my funny little plants really did get rid of bad shit. With one last awful cough, and some strangely black vomit, it was done. Smoke was coming out of the trashcan, billowing it's way out the window. " You're telling me there was a demon in you?"

" I have the same tattoos as you guys, and it's harder to possess a witch. Something helped it stay inside of me, I just have no idea what." I ran my hands through my hair, " Can I have some water. And a mint."

Sam handed me a glass, sitting next to me on the bed, " So, we couldn't see any demons. But there was one. How the hell does that work?"

" I have to assume, with hell being open, along with Purgatory, there's not much we can do like we used to until the gates are closed."

" Well neither of us can close them," Dean said, " And I'm not sure if any witch alive could do that."

" We can't. We'd need... God. Or Lucifer. And they're both MIA."

" Lucifer is dead," Sam said, " We made sure of that. In the empty where the angels go. God, uh, Chuck is the reason all of this happened."

" We were like a flea circus to him," Dean said lowly, " Little pets to watch, to kill and play with. A TV show."

" Well, lets give him a good show," I said, " Everyone likes a dramatic ending."

" We gotta deal with this demon issue first," Sam shook his head, " Demon, witch, I don't know what it is."

" Well, we need to figure it out real quick." I grabbed my jacket, " So. No witchcraft. No spells. Let's just do what we do best. Hunt."

Sam took my jacket from me, " It's late. You need to sleep first. You look... not great, Harper. Whatever happened took a whole lot out of you."

" What do you mean?"

Dean helped me up, opening the bathroom door, " Take a look."

I did look like shit. My face resembled a skull more than a humans face, my eyes were sunken in and dark, my lips almost purple. " Yeah. Sleep. Sleep is a great idea."


" Harper? A-are you there?"

The boys voice, Jack. I heard it again. It woke me up, I jolted awake. The connection was lost in my head, but I couldn't do a ritual with the boys in the room. Dean took the floor so Sam and I had beds. I stepped over him carefully, quickly leaving the room. I did a quick sweep, and found an empty motel room. I locked it behind me, quickly mumbling to myself, and I felt myself leave the ground, my eyes rolling back. " Jack? I'm here, Jack."

He sounded so relieved he could try. He was still so far away sounding, I couldn't see him. I just saw blackness. " I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. I think... I think something is trying to find me. I don't know what it is. And I can't leave. There's no doors, no anything."

" I'm gonna try and help you, Jack. I don't know how to find you, you aren't on earth, Jack. Where are you exactly?"

" I... I think I'm dead, Harper. I don't feel like, I'm in my body. I can see my hands, my feet, my legs. But this isn't me."

I furrowed my eyebrows, " If you aren't alive how am I talking to you?"

" You're magic, like me? Or not. No one is like me. But you have to be."

" I'm a witch, Jack. But not a necromancer. So if you're dead, I couldn't see you. I can't see into heaven and hell without a direct line."

" Because I'm not in heaven, and I don't think this is hell. It's worse."

This poor kid. God, he sounded so young. I needed him to see me, and I needed to see him. " I want you to something for me Jack, to try and connect us better. It's gonna be very strange, but you can do it. It's gonna be scary at first, but I know you can do it."

" O-ok. I'll try anything."

" What you're gonna do for me, sit criss cross and close your eyes. And you're gonna think real hard. Imagine I'm right in front of you, imagine what I look like. I'm real small, I have brown hair, I've got big stupid chubby cheeks with freckles." I heard him laugh, and that made me smile. " Can you do that for me Jack?"

" Yes. I can."

" I've got bushy eyebrows, and funny teeth. I'm wearing a big black t-shirt. I'm very pale. Can you see me?"

I saw the glimpse of blonde hair. The confused, young face. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, " Yes. I see you."

I smiled, and so did he. " Good, Jack. Now imagine, there's a little rope between us. It's real thin right now. But you can make it strong. You can't see it, but you'll feel it. Hold on to it, real tight."

I had this awful feeling in my chest. This horrific, awful creep down my back. Something was there. Something was wrong. I gasped, my hand closing, " Harper? What's wrong?"

" Jack, you need to hang on real tight. I'm gonna try something, I've never done it before, but I'm going to try and pull you out."

" I don't think it's strong, I don't think I did it right. I've never done witchcraft o-or..."

He sounded so close to tears. It made me want to cry. I just wanted to hold his poor boy and protect him, " Listen to my voice, Jack. Look at my face. Imagine my face, what my face looks like. Don't look away from me. Don't you dare look away."

The pull in my stomach was awful, but I saw Jack's image shift. He jerked forward. I pulled him towards me, I just needed to pull this boy closer to me, I needed him safe. I needed him here, not afraid. Not in danger. Whatever was there was coming fast. And we needed to get Jack away from it. " Jack, concentrate!" I shouted, " Look at me! Listen to how I sound! My voice, that's your lifeline now, Jack!"

" I am!" He cried, " I promise I am!"

The pull was almost killing me, it hurt so bad. I had never done this ritual, I never had to. It was dangerous and horrible. I just hoped Jack was dead, so it didn't kill me to try. My fists balled to my sides, and with a defiant yell, whatever magic was in my veins, I knew it yanked Jack as hard as it hurt me to do. And he was gone. His image was gone. " Jack?" I whispered, " Jack, where did you go?"

" I'm here." He said, his voice was so clear and strong, " I don't know where I am, but, I'm in a field, oh my god," his voice was shocked, " I can feel things, emotions. Where are you, Harper? I have to find you."

I suddenly hit the ground and lost his voice as the door opened. Dean looked worried, " What the hell are you doing?"

" Jack," I whispered, " I-I lost him?"

He grabbed my arms, pulling me up from the ground, " How do you know about Jack?"

We went silent as a phone began to ring from our room. Dean and I quickly rushed back to see Sam, staring at his cell phone, near tears. " Dean?"

Dean took the phone, and I understood. The person they lost. The dead. I understood as I saw the screen read the name Jack.

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