Chapter Fifteen

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Ciel cleared his throat, "Elizabeth, did you need something, clearly we are very busy." Lizzy stoped looking me over and gushing at me while sebby separated us. She turned her attention to a slightly recovered ciel, "awwww silly I'm staying with you for a few days!" She gushed attaching herself to his waist. Ciel opened hi8s mouth to tell her she couldn't when sebby stepped in. "I'm so sorry lady Elizabeth but, we have a mission and it requires us to travel, we do wish you could stay but we have to leave as soon as we possibly can." He said giving her his signature smile. Her smile dropped and she sulked slightly "ok i guess i should leave you all to your work." She said that and walked out, when I heard the frosty door open I ran out of the room to the top of the stairs yelling "LIZZY!" She stopped and turned her attention to me looking pretty confused. " I'm happy I met you! I hope we can be friends!" I yelled waving as she held the door open for herself, she had the biggest smile on her face yelling "BYE Y/N!" As she ran outside. Sighing once she was outside my smile dropped, and I walked back to Ciel and Sebastian, who where to stunned, when they saw me walk in with an evident frown they both asked simultaneously "what wrong Y/N?" I sighed "I've never really liked Lizzy, but i have to be nice since she's your fiancé." I said to ciel flop leaning onto sebastian. "Ya know i have to make a good impression, as your work partner." I said wrapping my arms around sebastian's waist, and pouting slightly, i could hear and feel the vibration when sebby laughed and he patted my head. "Well lets get back to work-" ciel started but I interrupted him with "I'm bored ill meet you guys when your about to leave, since i know what's gonna happen and all." I said "well gotta go bye!" I hoped away from sebby opened my menu logged out. "WAIT- agh i still cant get over that pixelation glows thing shed does." Ciel said sitting in his chair and leaning on his desk on his elbows holding the side of his head and massaging his temples. "I shall prepare everything to leave for tomorrow." Sebby said bowing and leaving ciel to think about Y/N and what else shes still hiding.

I didn't fully log out of the game i just whent to the main screen where you chose different games to play, looking through the files i picked hetalia, "hmm this could be fun." I hummed to myself when i loaded the files and clicked play, i glitched out, lightning bolts flew in different directions and i quickly closed the files. Sighing i put them back and logged out. Pulling the headgear off my head i placed it down on my bed side table, getting up i made my way into the kitchen and opened the fridge, sighing when it was empty, sighing i made my way back to my room to change, grabbing a warm outfit, since it was pretty cold out so I bundled up in something i thought was pretty cute.

(You can pick which one you i like)

(You can pick which one you i like)

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Walking to the front hall, I grabbed the keys to my motorcycle (you can wear the helmet if you want idc )

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Walking to the front hall, I grabbed the keys to my motorcycle (you can wear the helmet if you want idc )

Walking to the front hall, I grabbed the keys to my motorcycle (you can wear the helmet if you want idc )

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Walking out of the front door i was blinded by the suns light, sighing as I waited  my eyes to adjust, the cold air bit at my soft (S/C) skin

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Walking out of the front door i was blinded by the suns light, sighing as I waited  my eyes to adjust, the cold air bit at my soft (S/C) skin. Soon the light wasn't so blinding i walked over to my motorcycle and siting down (and placing on my helmet if you have wear it) and started up the motor the driving toward the padlock for the large metal gate that locked me out of the rest of the world.
Grabbing many different foods I wanders over to the register paying quickly and heading for home before people recognize me. As I walked back to back to my bike i shuffle through my pockets for my keys, moving all my grocery bags onto one arm once i find them i place the key ring between my lips and start storing many bags in an invisible basket in the back of my bike. Hoping on and Revving the engine i drive off hearing a few "its Y/N L/N!" And some oooohs and ahhhs. I look back and flash them a smile as i speed toward a wooden board leaned against a bin. "Watch out your going to hit the board!" A young girl yelled i turned and smiled to her as i used it as a ramp and flew over the jump. Her big Dowe eyes widened as i did this while i smiled back at her looking forward only when i landed and sped off.

~time skip to a day later cuz I'm writing this at like 10pm and i have to get it out by 12am ~

After a full day of organizing I loged into black butler. It glitched a bit the screen of hetalia flashing and glitching on the screen. "Oh no." I groaned.

After that glitch it acted normally "ok?.....:. Well that was weird?!" I said looking around, I appeared in front of ciel's mansion, completely disregarding the abandonments state. Checking the time, I was an HOUR AND A HALF LATE! Welp looks like I gotta find them. I groaned and got knight ready.

"Time to go catch them." I groaned getting on knight and squeezing him into a gallop.

Sorry it's short!! I'm with family that I don't see often, anyways thank you all for all the support!!! Love you all


Techno ( black butler x modern! reader) 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖𝕕Where stories live. Discover now