Chapter 20: What Was Fit

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"He found out you know," Alice looks up, her attention now focused on me. "About the breakfast you snuck me."

She smiles and waves me off. "Oh, I already know."

I stop chewing on my Ham & Cheese Crescent Puff. Me and Alice were now having brunch since I decided to sleep in later than usual.

To say that Alice can cook was a complete understatement. Her meals were delicious.

"You knew?" I gape.

She shrugs. "Yeah, Romeo has security cameras all over this place."

I stare at her stunned. I knew Romeo would never punish Alice. Maybe he saw her as a motherly figure. And if that was the case, I could see it.

"So you basically put on a show like you were in some spy movie."

Alice chuckles. "Maybe." She responds playfully.

"Anyway, Romeo wants to see you in his office after you're done eating."

I stop chewing. "Why?"

Alice looks confused. "What?"

"Why does he always want to see me in the mornings, or at all even?"

Alice shrugs again. "I don't know, don't hate the messenger." She puts her hands up defensively.

And she was right. "I'm not going." I say firmly, thinking back to last night and how he stormed out of the library after I read to him. Something's was off about him.

"Why not?" Alice's eyes drop with sadness. "You should give him a chance."

It was almost like a slap to my face.

"You should give him a chance?" Really? I thought. What did that even mean?

I get up from the table.

"Where are you going, you're not finished-"

"Are you serious?" I ask, irritably.

She looks taken aback.

"Just when I thought I found someone with sense in this house, someone with good decency, you say 'give him a chance.'"

Her eyes bulge.

"You have absolutely no idea what I've been through with that man, and now you're trying to promote some twisted relationship with him?" I ask, anger suddenly taking control over me. This was an opportunity to vent and suddenly I couldn't hold back.

"Look at me!" I shrill, pointing to the scars on my face. "You want me to give the person who has deprived me of everything a chance? I guess everyone in this house is just sick, huh?"

I turn around, running to my room. What Alice said had stung and of course I didn't mean what I had said last to her. She's been kind but what she said, 'give him a chance' touched a nerve.

A chance at what exactly did she even mean? Friendship? Because if that was the case, it would never happen. Romeo and I had absolutely nothing in common. He was cold-hearted, ruthless, and psychotic. And I? I had everything planned out until he came along.


I lay in bed for the rest of the day, with no plan of coming back out and as hours pass guilt overcomes me. Was what Alice said wrong? Yes, absolutely. But God knows how long I would have to be stuck in this house. And for the time being I needed a friend or else I would go mental. And two Romeo's in the house wasn't needed. And Alice was the only one available since Edwin was always ghost.

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