Chapter 6

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Trigger warning: self deprecation/hatred

Kihyun's pov, back at the dorm after the performances

I know I shouldn't listen, but the words Shownu so carelessly said are resonating through my head once more.
   If that's the best you can dance, then you may as well give up.

     I may not be as experienced as Shownu is, but that doesn't make me a bad dancer, does it? Even if I am a bad dancer, shouldn't my singing capability mean something?

     As these thoughts raced through my head, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I stood there disgusted by what is reflected.

Unknowingly, my slightly chubby hands found their way to my soft stomach. My neutral face contorted to a disappointed frown as I hastily grabbed at my stomach.

Why is my stomach so squishy? I'm almost eighteen, I shouldn't have this baby fat anymore!

    The longer I stood before the mirror, the more I picked apart my appearance. As I began to despise my appearance, I slid to the floor. As tears began to fall down my round cheeks, I heard a loud knock followed by, "Kihyun hurry up, I need to shower!"
"Give me a minute!" I exclaimed as I wiped the tears from my face.

    I pulled my shirt back down then washed my hands and rinsed my face. I opened the door as calmly as I could then made my way to my bunk.

   I slowly changed from my sweaty stage outfit into some shorts and a large hoodie- desperately hoping the large hoodie would distract me from my size.

I really should be more conscientious about what I eat...

   I made my way into the kitchen to begin cooking for the twelve of us. In the midst of cooking, Wonho came into the kitchen to help.

A few minutes later, Wonho screamed.

Surprised, I quickly turned around and noticed he had his left hand cradled in his right.

    "Wonho, are you okay?" I questioned as I walked closer. "Ow, yeah I'm okay. I just cut my hand." Wonho muttered.

   "Wonho, you have to be more careful! What would you have done if you lost a finger?" I exclaimed as I began to clean his cut.

    "I was trying to be careful! Ki-ouch!" Wonho whined as I disinfected his wound.

          Shownu's pov
   Hearing a scream, I began to quickly make my way into the kitchen. As I got into the kitchen, I watched as Kihyun stood between Wonho's legs. Wonho was sat on top of the counter, his back to me. Kihyun held one of Wonho's hands within his own and was talking to him quietly.

     Kihyun's eyebrows were furrowed cutely. He somehow stepped closer and placed a hand on Wonho's bicep. Seeing how close they were -and Kihyun who was biting his bottom lip- I frowned and quietly ran out of the kitchen.

    I made my way to my bunk and began wondering with a pain in my chest.

Why in hell were they so close to each other? Do they have something going on? No, Kihyun wouldn't do that to me, would he?

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