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This chapter has no relevance to the rest of the book! It's just a random one-shot but still influenced by the plot.

Third pov

From their shared bed, Kihyun and Shownu awoke from another poor night of sleep. The twins- who are a hear old now- were completely restless. Their oldest child Changkyun- 4 years old- wasn't much help either. Changkyun was sick with the flu.
The three children were silent in this moment though. Taking his chance, Kihyun leaned up and kissed his boyfriend saying , "Happy five year anniversary, love." Shownu smiled after he was kissed. Shownu playfully rolled over above Kihyun and placed loving pecks all over Kihyun's face, saying "I love you." After each peck.
Kihyun laughed a little, his boyfriend was still so caring even after the world had been so cruel. Kihyun was glad to have met such an amazing man- to have been paired with Shownu.
Shownu finishing leaving his kisses then settled back down beside Kihyun. Kihyun quickly cuddled into the older's arms. They were content with life.
Monsta x had been a huge success; Shownu and Kihyun both debuted and couldn't have been happier. They stayed in the group for a decade, then decided they wanted to start a family together. Now here they are, five years after leaving the group, in a comfortable house with three beautiful children.
Because today was their anniversary, Shownu planned the whole day out for them. But the day had to start after dropping off Kiwon, Kiyeon, and Changkyun off at Wonho's house.
"Ki, come on, let's get dressed. I have a whole day planned ahead for us that'll start right after our children are at Wonho's." Shownu sleepily stated, placing another kiss to the crown of Kihyun's head.
Kihyun grew excited the kissed Shownu's jaw, sitting up and stretching. Shownu laid still in awe that Kihyun chose a family with him instead of a solo career.
"I know I say this a lot, but Kihyun I truly do love and appreciate you. You've given me a purpose in life- taking care of and loving our precious family. Thank you, Yoo Kihyun, for loving me." Kihyun shed a tear then lightly  slapped Shownu's chest.
"Ah, don't make me cry so early, Nu. I love you more, thank you Son Shownu for loving me. You showed me a better way of love- not only to another person, but to myself. I honestly don't know what I would've done without you."
   The pair of lovers leaned forward for yet another kiss, pulling away with content smiles on their aged faces.
    Shownu quickly got dressed then turned towards Kihyun. "I've got the kids, take your time love." Shownu raced into the twins' room first, smiling his brightest smile once he saw his twin daughters sitting awake in their cribs.
   "Aw my princesses, didn't you sleep well?" Shownu cooed then carefully picked Kiwon up. He then carried her to the changing table, proceeding to change Kiwon's diaper. He held Kiwon as he was deciding what outfits to put the girls in.
   He decided to grab two onesies for them, one was rainbow with a white tutu. The second was white and had small rainbows on it  with a rainbow colored tutu.
   Shownu dressed Kiwon in the first outfit, then gently sat her back into her crib. Shownu then repeated the same process with Kiyeon.
   Once finished, Shownu carried the twins into the kitchen, where he buckled them in their baby chairs. He handed them their bottles of milk then walked to Changkyun's room, where he found Kihyun knelt beside Changkyun's bed.
   Shownu leaned against the doorframe, his smile had yet to leave his face. He watched as the love of his life gently awoke their oldest kid.
   Kihyun sat on the floor, saying "Channie, wake up baby. It's time for breakfast, then you can go see uncle Wonho and uncle Hyungwon!" Hearing his dad mention his uncles' names, Changkyun sleepily jumps up on his race car bed.
   "Hoho and Wonnie!" Changkyun exclaimed then rubbed his eyes. "But you can only go see Hoho and Wonnie after you're all cleaned up, baby." Kihyun states then tickles Changkyun, who giggled loudly.
   "Ahh mommy stop it!" Changkyun squealed, trying to wiggle away from Kihyun's tickle wrath. Changkyun looked up and noticed Shownu still stood in the doorway. "Daddy save me! Mommy is gonna tickle me to death!"
     Shownu laughed then scooped Changkyun into his arms. "Thank you- ah!" Changkyun squealed again as Shownu started to tickle him this time. Shownu stopped tickling Changkyun then settled him on his hip.
   "What do you wanna wear today, Channie?" Shownu asked, opening the closet. Changkyun pouted in thought for a minute before reaching for a pre-made outfit of a dinosaur shirt and blue pants. Changkyun lifted the outfit up high, exclaiming, "This one! This one!"
   Shownu carried the excited Changkyun back to his bed where he helped change Changkyun. Once dressed, Changkyun hopped off his bed and waddled to the kitchen, Kihyun quickly following after him.
   Shownu met up with the four in the kitchen, seeing his girls finishing their bottles. Changkyun was sat in front of a bowl of cereal, eating happily.
"Our date will start out at a diner, so don't bother eating just yet baby. After that, however, will be a surprise for you!" Shownu exclaimed, then went to grab the diaper bag for the three kids.
Once Changkyun finished his cereal, Shownu and Kihyun securely buckled the children into the car. Shownu sat down in the drivers seat, Kihyun taking shotgun. Kihyun plugged his phone into the aux cord and began to play their song, 'Beautiful.'
Kihyun had begun to sing but stopped to talk. "Hey, Shownu?" Kihyun asked.
"Yeah, Ki?" Shownu said, keeping focus on the road.
"Do you know why I wrote this song?"
"Not for sure, but I know it has meaning to you."
"Well, I wrote it during our No Mercy days. It's about you, actually. I knew that I loved you once I'd met you. My head told me no, but my heart still yearned for you. Yet I knew that although I could get hurt or triggered by you, I still wanted you. I was willing to take that chance, because I cared for you so much, and knew that whatever pain you caused me wouldn't be on purpose. Sometimes a little hurt can make for something beautiful- and oh it did. I got my love, and the kids I had always wanted. Thank you." Kihyun finished.
    Shownu's jaw dropped. Kihyun looked at Shownu and laughed a little.
    "Close your mouth, Nu, you'll catch flies." Kihyun gently raised Shownu's jaw.
     "Daddy, what's 'No Mercy?'" Changkyun chimed from his car seat. Shownu and Kihyun froze up.
     "Well, uh Channie." Shownu stammered then looked to Kihyun. Kihyun turned around in his seat to face Changkyun.
      "It's where your dad and I met, and found out we loved each other." Kihyun summarized.
Changkyun nodded then started playing with his toy cars. Kihyun turned back around just as they pulled into Wonho's driveway. Shownu turned the car off and walked to open the car door for Kihyun first.
Kihyun smiled widely then got out. The pair began to get their three children out of the car. With Changkyun holding a hand from each parent, they walked to the front door. Kihyun rung the doorbell and the door quickly swung open, Wonho stood before them with a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Come on in!" Wonho exclaimed, the family followed. Shownu dropped the diaper bag down on the floor, then gently sat Kiwon down on the couch.
A sleepy Hyungwon stumbled down the stairs. Hyungwon noticed Kiyeon still in Kihyun's arms and walked towards them. He grabbed Kiyeon and held her, a smile coming to his face too.
"Channie!" Wonho exclaimed then bent down and picked Changkyun up. Wonho spun around in a circle- Changkyun began giggling. "Uncle Hoho!"
Hyungwon looked towards the pair of parents. "We've got them from here, guys. Go on and enjoy your date, you deserve it."
Shownu then laced his fingers with Kihyun's and the pair made their way out of the house.
Getting to their destination- a Waffle House- the pair walked in and sat down, looking at the menu. They placed their orders and began to talk while waiting.
"So, what do you have planned, Nu?" Kihyun asked, hoping for an answer of what to look forward to. The plates of waffles were sat down and Shownu got an idea seeing the spiral of whipped cream.
"This!" Shownu laughed as he got the cream on Kihyun's nose. Kihyun's lips formed a pout as he looked at his lover.
"Meanie!" Kihyun whined then wiped the whipped cream from his nose with a napkin.
The pair began to eat their breakfast in a comfortable silence, until Shownu spilled his drink- which soaked Kihyun's outfit. Unbeknownst to Kihyun -who was freaking out from the warm coffee on his lap- Shownu smirked quickly then began talking.
"I'm sorry Ki! I'll buy you a new outfit, let's go." Shownu said then quickly payed. They made it to the mall and Shownu quickly pulled Kihyun into a clothing shop.
Shownu and Kihyun scanned the clothes options available, Shownu looking at semi formal clothes. Shownu grabbed a pair of dark jeans in Kihyun's size before coming beside Kihyun. Kihyun was trying to decide what sweater to get.
"The light blue one will go better with these jeans and your sneakers." Shownu stated, handing Kihyun the pair of jeans.
Shownu payed for the outfit, then they walked to the mall bathroom. Once inside a stall, Kihyun began to quickly change; he felt slightly uncomfortable in the public restroom.
Kihyun walked out of the stall in the clean clothes then gave a playful glare at Shownu. "You clumsy dork! You stained my white jeans!" Kihyun groaned as he stuffed the clothes in his bag.
"Aww you're cute when you're mad!" Shownu pulled Kihyun into a loving hug, leaving a kiss on the crown of Kihyun's head. Kihyun stuck his tongue out at Shownu.
Shownu only laughed before taking Kihyun's hand and walking back to their car. Shownu opened Kihyun's door for him then shut it once Kihyun was in. Shownu walked to his door and got in. A sense of anxiety washed over Shownu; the small box in his pocket grew heavy. Shaking off his nerves, he kissed Kihyun's cheek then began driving.
They made it to their next destination; the bookstore. A little confused, Kihyun turned to Shownu. "Why are we here? You always hate how long and how much I spend in here."
"Well Kihyun, you're getting a load of books. With our kids, you haven't been able to find time to come and get books. So, what're you waiting for? Go find your books!" Shownu exclaimed, giving Kihyun a gentle tug towards the door.
Kihyun childishly squealed and ran towards the isles of fiction. It wasn't too long before Shownu's arms piled high with books.
    Struggling a little, Shownu pulled out his phone and began snapping pictures of Kihyun- who was trying to decide on another book.
   The pair spent another hour going through books they wanted before making their way to the checkout counter. The worker gave a small sigh seeing the high pile of books.
   "Did you two find everything okay?" The female worker spoke as she scanned the books. Shownu turned to Kihyun.
   "Did you find all of the books you wanted?" Shownu asked. Kihyun gave it a little thought before nodding with a small smile.
   Once the lady finished, Shownu picked up all of the bags of books and took Kihyun's hand in his free one. The pair walked out of the bookstore and put the books into the backseat of their car.
    As Shownu drove to the park, the sun began to set- the sky now beautiful hues of fading orange and pink. The pair got out of their car once again to see the beautiful sky.
   "Shownu, look how pretty the sky is!" Kihyun exclaimed, looking into Shownu's eyes. "The Sky is very pretty, but this isn't the spot I meant to take you. Follow me!" Shownu states but walked to the back of his car.
   Shownu popped the trunk open and pulled out a large blanket and a picnic basket. He patted his pocket to make sure the ring was still in his pocket. Shownu locked the car up then led Kihyun into the trees.
   "Shownu, are we almost there? We've been walking for so long!" Kihyun groaned. "We're almost there, the sight will be work the walk." Shownu replied.
   A few minutes later, as the light colors of the sky faded to blue, Shownu led Kihyun into a small clearing. Fairy lights Shownu had previously hung up glistened in the tree. Kihyun stood in awe of the beautiful sight but then taking slow steps towards the tree. He carefully reached up to one of the lights and lightly held it.
   Taking deep, calming breaths, Shownu pulled the box out of his pocket then walked a few steps behind Kihyun. Shownu knelt down, then opened the ring box, waiting for Kihyun to notice him.
    "Shownu, these lights are beautiful!" Kihyun exclaimed. Not getting a reply, he quickly turned around to look for his lover. Noticing Shownu, Kihyun's jaw dropped until he brought his hands up to his face.
   Taking his chance, Shownu looked into Kihyun's eyes.
   "I'm sorry it's taken so long to ask and I know you hate how sappy I can get, so I'll keep this simple. I think Son Kihyun has a better 'ring' to it, what do you think? Kihyun, will you marry me?" Shownu raised the open box with its ring higher to Kihyun, who had tears in his eyes.
   Kihyun didn't trust himself to make a verbal response. He resorted to vigorously nodding his head after wiping his tears away.
   Shownu gently took Kihyun's left hand between his own and slid the black ring onto Kihyun's ring finger.

    Shownu gently took Kihyun's left hand between his own and slid the black ring onto Kihyun's ring finger

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  Kihyun didn't give Shownu a chance to stand up and dropped into his arms. They exchanged a quiet  'I love you' then Shownu laid the blanket out flat on the green grass.
   Shownu sat the basket beside the blankets then laid down, Kihyun following and placing his head on Shownu's chest. Kihyun began to sing 'Beautiful.'
   Once finished, they laid in a content silence, looking at the beautiful stars appear in the sky.
   "It certainly took you long enough, Shownu." Kihyun cutely laughed.

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