Chapter 15

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Kihyun's pov

   A few days later, us trainees had to record again for No Mercy. The twelve of us stood upon the stage under the blinding lights and waited for the judges to speak.
   "First, the winning rappers. The trainee to release a song with Hyolyn and I is... Jooheon!" San E exclaimed and clapped a little.
   Jooheon beamed with excitement.
   "However, a rapper must still be eliminated. That trainee is... KwangJi, I'm sorry." San E continued.
    No, KwangJi! He helped me cook frequently, so we were close, now he's eliminated?  My face fell.
     "Out of the four winning vocalists, the trainee to release a song with Giriboy and I is... Kihyun!" Soyou looked towards me as she finished.
  I somberly walked towards the table and grabbed my golden #1 pin, pinning it beside my regular placement pin. I then walked back and stood beside Hyungwon, a bit fearful for Shownu.
  "Out of the four vocalists who lost, the one to be eliminated is..."
   Please, what ever god is listening, don't let Shownu be eliminated..
    "Yooso." K.Will stated, lowering his head slightly. The said trainee's eyes quickly filled with tears and he slowly nodded; he unpinned his number plate from his shirt and placed it onto the table. With a bittersweet smile on his face, he walked off stage.
  Over the weeks we've been sharing a dorm together, most of us grew close with one another. Although Yooso and I weren't as close, it is still going to be weird not seeing him every day.
   It's bad enough to remove one trainee per mission, but two on just the second?
  As I looked around the room, I noticed everyone's eyes had filled with tears. My own eyes watered up as well, seeing Yoosu and KwangJi be eliminated.
  A few minutes later, we were told to go back to our dorm for the night. None of us knew how to console the two eliminated trainees.
  "I never thought I would be the one packing up." KwangJi stated as he neatly folded his clothes.
   "What about our promise Ji? You even said so this morning as we made breakfast." I wiped I tear from my cheek as I sat beside him.
   Minhyuk sighed. "I was actually jealous of you KwangJi, of how well you were doing at number three, while I am at 10. I always mentioned in the interviews that we came to Starship together, but now we won't debut together."
  "I had fun today though. And I told San E to remember my name, that I would be back some day to work with him." KwangJi sadly smiled, sitting down on the floor beside me.
   "To think you two won't be here with us anymore, it breaks my heart. I will try to make you guys proud." I teared up, bowing my head.
   "Ah, Kihyun, you'll do great! Don't worry about trying to make anyone proud except yourself, okay? Cheer up!" KwangJi exclaimed, ruffling my hair.
   I raised my head and nodded. KwangJi handed me a tissue then smiled again, this time a happier smile that reached his eyes.
   The next day, I woke up first again and began to make breakfast. This time, I felt quite alone as I cooked; I didn't have KwangJi to help me or keep me company.
   Somehow sensing my sadness, Shownu sleepily stumbles into the kitchen.
  "Do you need any help?" Shownu questioned, walking beside me.
   "Please!" I exclaimed. I was glad I didn't have to cook for ten alone.
   Ten. That's right, there's only ten of us now. I'm gonna miss Yoosu and KwangJi.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week, I've been busy babysitting and just haven't found time to write Crossed.

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